Class Mount

I remember reading Blizzard post back in Legion may have changed, but last I checked this is true.

I should point out I never lie if can be helped, I may be mistaken sometimes but I clearly remember the forum post which is why I stayed on hours straight pushing for my class hall mount.

It’s not. It’s not at all. You can still get them.


Make sure you have your UI set to show low level quests. If you disallow that the yellow exclamation point won’t show over the questgiver’s head.


have you gotten one since BfA’s release? i thought the mounts were discontinued also.


Did you do the Val’Sharah questline up to killing the dragon and then placing the item you get directly afterward under Dal? You have to do that to finish the class hall questline.

I have not tried, but if you search it out on the inter webs there are 100s of post of people asking this question and pleanty of answers. Also not one mention that they are unavailable.

Also if they were taken out there would be a post in gd at least once a week asking for their return.

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This might be helpful it tells what to do after BFA launches to get the mounts.

The problem is there is Quest for the class order hall that no longer exists anymore so yes discontinued for new people.


They’re still in the game. You just have to finish your class hall campaign and then the entire Legionfall campaign on Broken shore.

Right, so OP probably didn’t do the Val’Sharrah questline.

I’m not going to keep arguing about it, but they are still available. People here have posted guides and a simple google search will sort it out for you…

I’ve gotten three classounts after BFA since I was out for Legion, most recently two weeks ago on my warrior

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umm…I have gotten all mine after BFA launch.

OP…turn on trivial quests in map.

Hit broken shores, many quests will be there. Broken shore is a decent chunk of the mount requirements really.

Talk to velen and khadgar often. As you bang out some broken shore quests they will get new quests. You have to talk to them directly as they will always have the exclaimation mark up from day 1 for the raid quests. You have to talk to them to see the newer quests. You do not need raid, leave that quest dangle. or run personal fun, whatever floats your boat really.

Some more side advice…kill the random roving elites for the homing beacons. Hit them daily to get a stack of them as best you can. One quest will be kill demons from these teleport beacons.

this quest goes so much smoother if you just take an hour to pop these one after the other. Why I say just collect them before you even see this quest.


This has helped me so many times getting through stuff, but it annoys me that the Mage Tower stuff is still in there and not easily identifiable.

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I just did this this morning.

After you complete Breaching the Tomb, return to the order hall. Immediately go back to Broken Shore and you will find Yitza with the quest, which then sends you back to the order hall.

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about, and are stating things that are clearly wrong as fact. Explain to me how this is not lying.


I got my warrior one a few months ago… so I am afraid you may be mistaken.


Hey at the time I was was going on knowledge from a previous Blizzard post from Legion so no I didn’t lie, they changed their mind and I did not know.

No need to be rude at all.