Class Feedback Disparity

Each class having it’s own Feedback thread is very useful and I love the attention that Hunter has been getting with the amount of posts. Each post is thoughtful and thorough and explains the devs thought process on why things are getting changed or updated.

It’s a real shame that Hunter is the only class getting this amount of respect while other classes are not getting the same attention.

To date (09/10/2022) a blue or a dev has updated these classes:

Hunter         |     31 Blue Post Updates
Demon Hunters  |      9 Blue Post Updates
Paladins       |      8 Blue Post Updates
Warrior        |      7 Blue Post Updates
Monks          |      6 Blue Post Updates
Warlocks       |      6 Blue Post Updates
Shaman         |      6 Blue Post Updates
Death Knights  |      6 Blue Post Updates
Mages          |      3 Blue Post Updates
Priests        |      2 Blue Post Updates
Druids         |      2 Blue Post Updates
Rogues         |      0 Blue Post Updates

You can see that only one class is getting the proper love and attention where others are getting very little to nothing, and the only Priest Blue post update stated that an update was coming, so that is essentially no updates since Priests came out.

Can you provide any updates as to why certin classes are getting updates, and Priests and Druids are getting silence?


I understand that maybe they are not as vocal as the hunter dev but at this point why would people invest a subscription knowing they are getting little to almost no feedback on the classes they desire to play. It should be a glaring problem that they seem to be ignoring.


Where are the druids :smiley: i think you missed them. I would also like to see a change in titles for pvp and m+ season to give other classes a little more respect and love. Give titles to the best 0,1% of each class not overall. It feels akward to see that the best hunter is like 300 score higher in m+ then the best druid dps.

It is just frustrating for people that they are always left behind with the class they maybe love and mastered because of balancing issues.


They have zero reason not to show all classes the same amount of love. Only reason would be maybe time management? Thats a buisness side problem that isnt really what blizzard has stood for


Good call. I added them in just now.

0 Updates btw!


Finally some acknowledgement. Thank you Maximum for asking this question about feedback disparity and thank you Ion for answering.


Im grateful but still taking with a grain of salt


Unsure where to push this as it is a reoccurring problem especially for Monk

I understand that the beta has just recently started but how are people playing classes like monk suppose to test talents and spells when a large portion of them do not function and remain untestable? This has been going on for a while with many testers on alpha and beta reporting being unable to use a large variety of spells and talents and received zero updates. I am currently worried about another expansion launch with a large variety of monk spells staying bugged until well after launch when they finally see fixing.