The War Whiting is coming august 26th, 3 months to fix hunter

Yeah it’s not gonna happen so patch 12.0 or 13.0 maybe just like I said in other forums ect this hunter update will be half…well yeah.

Like anyone who have kept maining hunter since vanilla I can’t but feel a glimmer of hope. A slight feeling that perhaps… just perhaps this time they will deliver. Perhaps this time they will actually listen to our feedback, give a major rework that makes the class and specs better and that we won’t enter into a new expansion launch feeling like they forgot we existed long before alpha was even over.
But… I am still quite convinced that, yet again, they will not. And we will be thrown some random “we hear you, we will do better. Just not now because we don’t do reworks/major changes mid expansions (despite having done it to some blizzard favorites before)” BS marketing line.
I will eat my hat if the coming changes actually are major changes And fixes issues we have with the class/specs. Perhaps I might even regain some of the faith in the developers then. Until then, here take yet another mage or paladin rework!


Did I miss the note where they said they was reworking hunters before War Within? Just wondering cause I dont see it anywhere lol.

Here you go

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I have played hunter since I started my WoW journey. I will always have one at least somewhat geared, but this might be the first expansion I roll one of my alts as a “main”.

I really hope we all get good news with the updates.


Honestly to me it doesn’t matter if TWW is 3 months away or 3 years away.
What they announce this week is make or break for me to see if they actually care.

If it’s just some talent reshuffling, turning 2 nodes into 1 nodes, and those data-mined defensives then I’m out. It isn’t enough for 8 weeks of silence on a class that has been giving tons of ideas and feedback.

I don’t expect perfection.
I don’t expect the Hero talents to be reworked a whole lot.
But I do want to see some change to the gameplay loop for both BM & MM.


Don’t get your hopes up, don’t hold your breath. The way the class trees currently are, the way they designed the hero trees, the lack of any changes yet to the class just indicates to me that they have no idea what to do with the class and its specs and probably don’t even care.

I hope I’m proven wrong and they saved the biggest and best for last but I’ve already moved on and picked something else to main (this Paladin).


Helios replied with the blue post people are refering to. But no, you did not miss any actual note where they said they would rework anything.

What the blue post is is a post to let people know about the few hunter changes being datamined in the first beta build. And letting us know they will have class and spec tree “changes” for the next beta build (this week).

Some have taken that to mean we will get reworks and major changes. Which is understandable considering the years of near radio silence and neglect of the Hunter class leading to our current bonkers bad state. But it’s also based on nothing but hopes and speculation.
The upcoming changes could just as well end up being them doing the usual beta things. Tune some talents, move a few around and balance the numbers and try to fix the worst bugs and nothing more. It would still be spec and class tree “changes”.

The latter is sadly much more likely due to past track record of Blizzard completely dropping the ball on Hunter (the class went into DF launch with completely broken spec/class trees and they barely touched them up during DF) and also them pretty much never doing any big changes/reworks in beta (alpha is where this happens).
But, until we actually get the beta build and see the changes no one outside of Blizzard knows. If it is what I fear, smaller beta changes then I think the Hunter community will be in a uproar… but we were in DF alpha/beta as well and they just brushed it off then as well. Time will tell.

Hunters were getting weekly blue posts and changes throughout the DF alpha and most of the beta until the rest of the community raised such an uproar (other classes and specs were getting outright ignored) that the dev ended up being silenced. Sadly I liked the amount of feedback being given, but no other class or spec were getting that level of attention.

Here’s a link to the thread where it spilled over from Beta to GD
Class Feedback Disparity - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (

However I would not give up hope. Blizzard could always do mid expansion reworks.

Most of the blue posts during alpha were pointless since they did not address most of the community’s concerns. I will give you a quick example: the survival hunter’s talent tree.


Given how nothing got addressed, changed or fixed that whining about Hunters getting attention aged like milk.

I hope hunter get nice work done on them. I wanted to play shammy but still got 0 rework on them sadly not even a bluepost. Lets hope hunter get same lvl of attention as fire mage or lock

That be a dream come true. Imagine hunters and shamans getting that kind of treatment.

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Like what, though?

MM already feels pretty solid rotationally, especially with tier set and running at least some 25% haste.

I’d love to see more options, even towards a more WoD-like or Legion-like MM, but a majority of the changes suggested here to MM’s core rotations honestly have seemed like downgrades.

Polish? Would love it. Lossless consolidations, in the very few cases they are possibl Absolutely. Greater optionality? Arguably necessary, even. Small but significant perks available? Would love those too.

Not certain, however, that I want to see a baseline “fillers increase next Aimed Shot damage”, Aimed Shot given no charges, mobile Aimed Shot (especially without anything like Sniper Training holding us back), Flayed Shot to replace Deathblow, removal of Salvo, removal of Volley, removal of Rapid Fire, or most of the oh so many other half-cocked suggestions.

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My main concern is that the hero trees are so poorly implemented and don’t really add much in terms of fantasy, flavor, and don’t really add anything particularly new to the feel/gameplay of the specs.

For example, Dark Ranger focuses on shadow damage and black arrow. It even has nodes that interact with shadow damage such as ones that increase shadow damage. The only other ability that hunters have that does shadow damage is wailing arrow for MM. Couldn’t they simply make it so that kill shot, aimed shot, arcane shot, cobra shot, etc does shadow damage? It just doesn’t seem well thought out. Its not creative. Black arrow seems lackluster. There’s a whole Dark Ranger (Sylvanas, duh) hero in heroes of the storm that lives up the fantasy better… and the abilities in that game are way cooler. Like, they could have moved wailing arrow into the class tree or make it so that black arrow turns into wailing arrow after you cast it. There’s so many ways they could have gone with this but instead choose the dullest implementation.

Then there’s the flavor. It’d be cool to like have a shadow aura or smoke emanating out of the player. Mages get awesome pets, splinters, and hovering orbs. DKs get awesome visuals and pets (including the horsemen). Evoker gets cool bombardment animations and bronze spell animations. Monks get a bunch of celestials etc.


Hey now, we get a L1 dog and an owl that poops.


While Mages, Warlocks, DKs, and Priests get awesome looking pets with new models, we get a crappy dog from a starter zone that will sometimes show up and bite my target for physical damage (as in not shadow damage). sigh

Heck I’m not even done with my rant yet. Hunters got access to that Dark Ranger transmog that was SUPER lame. No, I did not expect us to get a tranmog that would make us look like Sylvanas, but hello Nathanos Blightcaller is RIGHT there and his actual transmog would have been perfect. Just so lame and lazy all around.

Heck, I would actually love to have my skin turn purple/pale and have red eyes with dark eye mascara as a Dark Ranger. C’mon, it ain’t that hard.

I mean sure there was a lot of communication in regards to hunters… but you were not there? Almost all was talk and no show. The majority of the changes we did get was for the worse or to “fix” things that had nothing with the real issues to do.

So yes, a lot of talk and nothing to show for it. Especially SV spec tree and the class tree was absolutely bonkers bad/broken. They barely patched them to the less than acceptable state we have now! And now we seem to be going into another expansion with barely a single communication Or change. So yes, I’d rather get “attention” by changes and not empty talk.

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Call me old fashioned but I prefer my products to be finished before I purchase them instead of a “Trust Us, we will get around to it”. They shipped a halfass product in Shadowlands, they did it in Dragonflight and you can bet that they will do it again in The War Within. Why do they get a pass for being in perma-beta? Yes any game is in a constant state of development motion but the track record of complete reworks mid-expansion instead of addressing an issue in PRIOR EXPANSION/ALPHA/BETA when the feedback is provided is a bad business model that is going to catch up to them.


Currently eating my words. I’m so happy. :smiling_face_with_tear: