Class fantasy over spec fantasy isn't a good thing and heres why

Boring is an opinion. It’s not useful. Homogenization is also not always a bad thing. Specs share some abilities now. Do you think that Demonology should be the only Warlock spec capable of summoning any demon? If you don’t, aren’t you just in favor of this homogenization?

Class specs have a shared identity, and wanting every spec to be entirely unique with no overlap is, frankly, a silly request. There can be an amount of overlap while still maintaining the unique feel of specs.


Completely disagree. I far preferred every single one of my classes when they functioned more as a class rather than a gutted spec.


Warlords of Draenor saw the removal of the fun abilities but didn’t “homogenize” the specializations. Legion had Demonology butchered to make way for your stupid class but again, still didn’t feel “homogenized”. Battle for Azeroth may have been a dumpster fire but Demonology felt unique for a change so again, I’m not seeing the “homogenization”.

Relax, it’s likely only going to be a couple abilities per class. They already have some of this in the the current game. All mage specs get frost nova and polymorph, DKs get grip and antimagic shell, rogues get stealth/vanish, hunters get pets, druids get roots and forms, etc etc.

I predict it to be something like this:

  • Mages: Scorch and cone of cold
  • Death Knights: Army of the dead
  • Druids: Already have decent overlap
  • Hunters: Aimed shot? Already have decent overlap
  • Paladins: Already have decent overlap
  • Monks: Already have decent overlap
  • Priests: Already have decent overlap
  • Rogue: Garrote
  • Shamans: A totem or two and possible a shock or two?
  • Warlocks: Corruption or agony
  • Warriors: Already have decent overlap, thunderclap at most
  • Demon Hunters: Already have decent overlap

How about every spec using soul shards again instead of the much more thematic burning embers and demonic fury?

The burning embers thing still pisses me off… Removing that was completely uncalled for.

Sure they function almost the same but it was a fun way to differentiate between the specs and it seems thats whats going to happen for everyone else. All the cool unique things gutted for the sake of a shared class identity

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Your class is the reason that’s no longer the case.

For demo sure but destro was nerfed just for the sake of it.

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Because it was literally just different colored Soul Shards. They function the same and the concept of Soul Shards at least makes sense. Maybe a little less since they removed the ability to drain them out of folks and store them in bags but definitely more so than some out-of-the-blue resource like Burning Embers.

It was still more interesting and visually appealing.

Looked amazing with green fire.

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I don’t see how it can be more “interesting” when the system is effectively the same. Visually appealing? Sure, I’ll give you that, but it still doesn’t change the fact that losing it doesn’t suddenly mean the entire class feels “homogenized”.

It does for their visual flair.

Which seems like it’s supposed to be a big thing in SL.

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There are still plenty of visual elements that each specialization has that separates them. So no, they’re not “homogenized”.

Well its not out yet.

It’s coming.

Every class will get the burning embers treatment.

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That’s a rather bold statement based on absolutely nothing.

Based on past experiences.

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With no information on classes or what they’re doing with them. As much as I hate Blizzard and as pessimistic as I may be, even I’m not willing to condemn them without something to go on.

I’ll bite. How is me having more of a priest toolkit rather than just a few abilities making everything like burning embers?

Your going to get a bunch of holy stuff watering down your void shadow fantasy.

Stuff like that.

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I don’t have a void shadow fantasy. The game was better when I was a Priest. I realize you disagree, and that is fine, we are all entitled to our opinions. For myself though, I’d give anything to go back to MoP-era (or earlier) classes and these changes are looking to be a strong step in that direction.

The classes/specs have been homogenized to the Max already…that is why EVERYONE has self healing and everyone has a 3 or 4 button rotation and all the healers can dps.

It wasn’t that way in Classic-WotLK or Cata…then they moved away from that and homogenized the game, in this ONE instance i think moving back to the early class design and closer to it would be a welcome change for the game.