Class fantasy over spec fantasy isn't a good thing and heres why

Remember back in MoP when warlocks had 3 amazing and really unique specs with different resources and flavor and then they homogenized the hell out of them in WoD and beyond?

That’s what awaits every class now… Your all getting homogenized and actually praising it…

To me being able to use corruption in destro or immolate in demonology just isn’t exciting or something to look forward to.

It’s sad how many people can’t see the writing on the wall.


MoP class design was tiers above WoD. That doesn’t mean class fantasy design as a concept is bad. It just means Blizz screwed up.


Gee, and here I was enjoying my classic spells and talents that give me access to abilities of all specs. You mean I was having fun wrong?


This honestly true, Unless they wish to do Race Specific classes having multiple fantasies in one class is far less immersion breaking than one fantasy for every class.

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The forums are a wall now?

there’s no reason a fire mage can’t use a frostbolt to snare something or an arcane mage can’t use a firespell to add extra burst. playstyles and discovering toolkits for every situation are what make MMOs fun, not a prescribed set of abilities and the mindless rotation for max deepz. Access to the full toolkit is not homogenisation. Parity amongst every toolkit for every class in every situation is homogenisation and just an awful substitute for true balance.


Mop is the reason we are in the current mess lets dial it back to wrath or cata. when not everyone had a stun, slow, root, etc.

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They are talking about 1 or maybe 2 abilities iconic to each class. No need to overstate it.


They’ve proven time and again they can’t do things in moderation.


Pretty sure the homogenization problem was blurring the line between classes and not specs.

Specs were defined by the unique spells that the others didn’t have access too, or at the very least spells doing way more for the correct spec.

Such as Blizzard doing far more for a frost mage than fire/arcane mage.

More like a return to consistency.

Making a Warlock feel like a Warlock is a good thing.
Making a Paladin feel like a Warrior is not a good thing.

We want to avoid the second example, while sticking more closely to the first.

If a Warlock feels radically different when going between different specs, you have a problem. A great example in the current game is Druids and Ursols Vortex. Not all Druids get Ursols Vortex. Resto gets it baseline, Guardian it’s a talent; Feral and Balance just doesn’t get it at all. The spec who has the thing as a darn name sake (Guardian) doesn’t get it base line while Resto does… and for some reason the Dps specs were just absent that day in Druid school and forgot to pick it up at all. What’s going on here is what they need to solve for. Each spec having it’s own set of disjointed, inconsistent, and largely unconnected skills is lame. A Druid is a Druid. Whether it’s Balance, Feral, Resto, or Guardian… they should all have a core set of shared Druid abilities.

I don’t think Arms, Fury, and Prot share any PvE skills aside from Heroic Leap, Pummel, and Taunt… That’s how disjointed specs have become from each other. They’ve got very little in common as a class nowadays.


Until you get bored of one spec and want to switch only to find its damn near the same.

Diversity is a good thing. I don’t want to be a generic warlock I want to be a destruction warlock.

Mark my words two years from now everyones going to absolutely hate how samey all the specs within a class are.

I have personally experienced whats going to happen and it’s not good. Going into WoD and later legion as a warlock was a terrible experience I don’t want everyone else to go through.


To be fair, the original term for this service is “Bulletin board”, which is indeed something where you post writing on a wall.

You’re getting Blizzard confused with Demon Hunter alarmists on the forums, I think.

Since when was an Affliction Warlock ever played identically to a Destruction Warlock?

Specs have always had their signature spells and nowadays Mastery mechanics that make them each unique. Chaos Bolt, Haunt, ect.

Specs have never played identical to one another, but in the past there was a strong common foundation across a classes specs. Nowadays there is very little in common and it just feels awfully disjointed.


Why even bother then?

Cool I can use corruption with my fire spells… So interesting, much wow…

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One thing that some might overlook is with spec focus, I could be a frost mage and get shut out of damage when interrupted or silenced in a school of magic.

The way it should be working is a spec powers up the correct abilities, like frost mages frost spells hit harder and do more as well as get more powerful spells in the frost school. But by that same token, I should still have BASIC fire spells to fall back on if I am locked out of frost.

For hybrids, this can also bring back their pinch healing or tanking to a greater extent then some might do now. Class focus should be where at least the hybrids go, like I roll a PALADIN, not a protection paladin or ret paladin, just a paladin. I can focus on protection but I still have the basic abilities of other specs to fall back on or use if need be.


To make Classes less of a disjointed mess than they are now?
Well, that’s what I think anyway.

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All you really said is that you don’t like it. So, I’ll say I do like it and now we’re at an impasse. You would need to provide a reason that it’s always a bad thing, rather than just saying you don’t like it.

The utility and fantasy aspect.
To be quite honest, the one class that benefits the most from this is mage, since they get 3 schools of magic and a ton of utility.

Frost getting a DoT (back when Fireball had one), Fire getting a snare, and arcane getting both was a pretty damn big deal. Rank 1 Frostbolt was a must in every mage spec.

I miss setting up 2 ranks of Flamestrike and a Blizzard too, and the whole frost/fire elementalist idea that got ditched right after cata.

It’s homogenized and boring.

Like I said Iv experienced this before. It aint good chief.

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