Class fantasy over spec fantasy isn't a good thing and heres why

This is definitely one of those things people say they want now but will hate later once blizz gets done with them.

Remember this thread in two years.

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No, I won’t. Feel free to bookmark the thread. The way classes have been trashed in the past few expansions is something I complain about on a near weekly basis. I know when the game was fun for me.

Well your class has yet to have an amazing, ground up rework only to have it systematically destroyed over several years.

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Perhaps. My spec gets nearly redesigned from the ground up every expansion though. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, it would seem to me that if your class has been systemically destroyed you would be more in favor of restoration rather than against it.

I am. Back to MoP when it was good and fun.

Not the mess that was Cata and earlier.

You’re taking an instance of what you believe is the only change coming.

Where as, instead of that you may have an additional pet you couldn’t before, gain back portal, immolate, other stuff.

Well then we can agree on that much. MoP was the best place for most specs in my opinion. For Disc, I would prefer Cata era, but even MoP is a far cry better than what we have had the last couple.

I’m too jaded to believe anything else.

I would love to be wrong though.

This is what I’m expecting more of is class identity returning in some sense or another by trying to clear up everyone being warrior lite now.

Everyone has turned more and more into generic warriors using resource builder A and using big spender A.

Call it what you want, pain, maelstrom, focus, RP, energy, but its all rage in the end. Even astral power. THere needs to be some diversity.


Do you expect the same company you said “screwed it up” to suddenly get it right by going from spec to class? not this guy.

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Classic is there for you to enjoy that. You arent wrong for enjoying it but to assume that other or even the majority will then yes you would be wrong.

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Which would be nice if they can actually follow through.

Not holding my breath though. All I see coming out of this are specs losing some of their uniqueness and flavor. I would love for say Aff to have shadowfury but I don’t see that happening.


I can’t believe we are trusting Blizzard to get this right after BFA. Some people are just blind faith to the extreme.

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…You mean the spell all three specializations already have?

or self heals and bubbles and other op damage mitigation

I don’t fault anyone for being distrustful. I just question the negativity simply because it doesn’t actually solve anything. By all means do not give them your money if you don’t think it is warranted, but being grumpy with people who may feel differently doesn’t really help anything. :slight_smile:

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MoP is a good expansion, the content was trash but the class design very good. That means, you could have trash content but good design class people will still enjoy game. BFA is other way around, they have alot content but terrible class desgin. They put more lore character in BFA than any other expansion but the class is so unenjoyable to play.


Its because we trusted them in the not so distant past and we got BFA as a result. I want to preference this by saying i was one of those people who were like “its just alpha/beta” and “8.1 will fix things” and what did i get, i got embarrassed. I am not dropping a dime on shadowlands until it looks good when it hits prepatch(maybe even a month or two after launch now).

MoP is the perfect example of how good class design can carry an expansion and bfa is a good example of how poor class design can drag one down.


See you are ignoring things like leap of faith, it was a universal priest spell… then it was removed from shadow… why? It was restored to dhadow but no one id crying shadow plays like disc or wow shadow has lifegrip who cares? You are instead going on about like if shadow had smite, yes it wouldn’t be used much but it would be interesting gameplay such as a boss taking less shadow damage or getting shadow locked. Now we have options and depth to explore, a new skill ceiling to hit.