"Class fantasy" is super important, and why people loved Legion

I think Class Designers wanted to solidify the theme. Light and Shadow themes on overdrive. Void Lords, ya’know?

Agreed that it may not have been what you signed up for.

Order halls would pretty much just be a small portion of it. There are 2 things I wish Blizzard would do.

  • Embrace all the things scaling to max level, and have it be opt out (Basically flip Chromie Time on it’s head, and have Chromie Time be a way to visit Unscaled Azeroth).

  • Make more content not at all related to current expansion, including class specific questlines.

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no if i remember correctly the devs had this idea in there heads for what THEY wanted for a class fantasy and if you didnt like it you were essentially told to go pound sand. In fact the blue q&a about basically said as much in a round about away saying
“not everyone is gonna like the class fantasy”. YEAH WELL THEN HOW ABOUT YOU STOP AND REDO IT.


Priests are the class that should be the most different depending on what race the priest is because every race has a different take on religion.

Homogenizing priests into a single theme is the exact opposite of what Blizzard should have been doing.

And now we have shadow priests that don’t represent the Auchenai, Cult of Forgotten Shadows, or Hex priests which are the actual canon shadow priest groups. Instead we got insane old god worshiping tentacle sprouting nut jobs.


I liked it up until we had to recruit Magatha. Look I love her as a villain who talks smack and runs away to plot another day. But, was really off putting to have the Earthen Ring want that old crone for no reason other than to take the doom stone from her and give her global recruiting access for future world ending shenanigans and trash talking the PC every second she gets.


I loved the hunter class hall though.

The shaman legion hall was just a parody of captain planet.

Oh, we need earth, fire, air, water? And…dont forget. the class hall was called “the heart of azeroth”

The biggest disappointment is that a Captain Planet clone didnt show up.


This is true regardless of the Class/Spec though? Eclipse for Moonkin, for example.

maybe ted turner turned up in the blizz dev offices one day and slipped them a big black briefcase of money.

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Cold take: the Silver Hand should be the only Paladin Order. Sunwalkers are dumb. Troll Paladins are double dumb.

Blood Elves and Draenei can fit into the traditional Church of the Holy Light just fine.

Twilight’s Hammer have been lore figures since Vanilla. I’m okay with a spec that doesn’t really have its own identity being sacrificed to give the Old Gods a class/spec rep. Shadow Priests are 10x more interesting after Xalatath elevated them.

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i still remember the fiasco that was them redoing holy paladins in legion. it went over like a dumpster fire.

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Though, the class hall music was interesting. Felt very medieval discoish…

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The Silver Hand hasn’t been the only paladin order since BC when the Hand of Argus and the Blood Knights were introduced.

They should not be homogenized.

Insane cultists are boring. Especially since Blizzard just introduced an entire race to take over all void related plot lines immediately after destroying shadow priests.

The best void user in the setting being a hunter is hilarious. What’s even the point of the new shadow priest lore?


Lol, well if u liked shadowpriest based on the priest drawing his force from the shadowlands… Shadowlands did a poor job at expanding its theme

For me, shadowpriest from Legion is prime, you’re not a cultist, u wield and use Xalathat power, hear maddeing whispers, then u discard the weapon into oblivion… until BFA f that up too.

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Trying to do the “race fantasy” stuff basically set the Priest narrative back two phases in SOD when they realized you can’t really tell stories that way. Priests in SOD had this whole religion mechanic where Priests would learn about the major religions of Azeroth… except that doesn’t really lead anywhere or make for interesting story telling. In phase three they’ve basically canceled that “arc” and instead put Priest on a path to learn from the Old Gods.

Basically they already tried and failed what you’re suggesting and had to hastily go back to what they know works.

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It’s not what I signed up for and it made me stop playing shadow priest all together.

The homogenization doesn’t work though. Priests are basically irrelevant in WoW’s story now because of it.

The whole new direction Blizzard tried to force shadow priests into was taken over by a hunter.

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Hunter Weapon obviously…

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Legion is when Blizzard smashed their “in case of emergency, break glass” and emptied the reserve of everything they had, to try and counter the disaster that was MoP/WoD.

  • Class Halls
  • Artifact Weapons
  • Legendaries return by the dozens
  • Burning Legion
  • Illidan is back

There was nothing left, at the end. It wasn’t sustainable; it couldn’t be.

That’s not really how this stuff works. Church of the Holy Light is headed up by a Priest during Vanilla but that didn’t stop Paladin’s from getting an awesome new story in SOD.
What matters is whether the PC has a hook that they can use to latch onto a story thread to pull them into the action and get them involved in a narrative.

The PC being an empty silhouette just doesn’t allow for the player to play a role in the story in a satisfying way.

By making the Shadow Priest a tentacle worshipper they could actually tell a story with Xalatath. Who is, yknow, now the most prominent villain in the World Soul Saga, so it is paying some dividends there.

The current shadow priest role is being worse at their job than a hunter and a group of elves who turned purple.

Which I guess is fitting since the Legion holy priest class fantasy was being a worse version of paladin.