Class design is why people are leaving

with the new cash shop mount more people is leaving lol, this game really sucks now, it feels like an indy company that needs to make money because they give the game for free and no subscription, and everything else just adds up, feels like perfect world, a chinnese game that did the same things wow is doing now and now is dead.


Buy it or not it’s the truth. Mop was the expansion where it was all about “bring the player not the class” that isn’t the case now. In mop everyone could do everything because that’s how it had to be to support blizzards mantra

That isn’t true though.

Classes were still distinct back then in MoP. BFA? What makes classes distinct?

For your information most DPS still have self healing in BFA so your homogenization argument falls apart.


Plenty of stuff. Class buffs. Some classes excel in different types of encounters. Rogues bring shroud. Mages bring slows and intellect buff and food. warlocks bring portals and cookies. DH bring aoe stun and sic burst

I thought legion design was decent. I liked the artifact weapons

People are allowed to voice their opinions on things in here even if you like them or not.

Heck I respect your right to voice your opinion like you did even though I don’t like it . So show the same respect to others for voicing their’s

Weak argument. I am subtracting one cookie from your jar for you shenanigans!

  1. Shroud of Concealment was pruned in Legion. Only after player outcry was it returned.

  2. Mages bringing slows? That is the best you can come up with?

  3. Warlocks bringing portals and cookies? That was true in MoP.

  4. DH AoE stun isn’t unique or class defining.

Since MoP, classes have moved toward having builder and spenders via a system of energy aka Rogues.

Rotations are simplified and homogenized now in BFA.

In MoP, casters were not entirely built around builders and spenders ( some exceptions being for example MoP Destro).

Hunters actually were a strong ranged class.

Death Knights had a unique building and spending rune system.

And classes had class defining utility in MoP (eg Rogue smoke bomb).

If you define how classes are unique now in BFA because of CloS then the current game is inferior than Burning Crusade in terms of class identity.

That is objectively and subjectively BAD!!!


Says who ?

We play these toons so shouldn’t we have some kind of a say in how our fantasy plays out.
I don’t expect another MM Hunters fantasy play style to be the same as mine and I like that because it brings individuality and flavor to the game.

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They need to return the RPG aspect of this game, its vital.

In example, I remember the first time I found IF. It was an adverture getting there. I was still on foot with no mount but was it so cool finding that place, and seeing it from a distance. It was also nice knowing I was over the level for the zone so I didn’t have to be worried about being demolished by mobs getting into the city!


Yep. 12 years and my sub runs out in 5 weeks because I can’t find anything that gels. I used to have so many toons I played simultaneously because I liked them all and worked hard to be good at them all. Now I look at my selection screen and go “what sucks the least.”

You do realize that every one of those things you mentioned could conceivably have “class design” as a root cause, right? * Not enough tanks or healers* because people (Insert any of your reasons here) feel so disconnected with their characters and not enough desire to play them, gear them or keep playing them. They’re not invested with their characters because there’s no reason for them to be. It’s not unique or special to them.

Your character is how you interact with the game and the poorly designed, homogenized classes that don’t feel unique or special end up tainting every interaction and it comes back to one place.

The one thing the game should be better at is a sense of accomplishment. It’s why people play these games. Spending time to achieve something makes you feel good when you achieve it. That dedication makes you want to keep playing. Games that replicate the feeling that you get when you accomplish something meaningful in real life are the ones still being played and are the ones that still have a following because the dedicated have an emotional stake in the game itself. Name something else you’ve done as long as play WoW.

In the beginning, we were nobodies doing heroic things. Now, we’re heroes doing nothing.


Yep, and most times I just log off at this point after staring at my screen thinking about this exact same thing

Amen, couldn’t have said this any better


Even specs that are supposed to be spammy (WW Monk anyone?) are sluggish and arthritic. Watch on of Bruce Lee’s movies and pay close attention to his hands. That’s what someone attacking with two hands (or with two weapons in their hands) should feel like.

The GCD change slowed everything down. The best part was that it wasn’t even made with players really in mind. “It’s to prevent people from stacking cooldowns so they can’t be interrupted.” Since most CD’s are instant cast, that’s a non-argument. The most convincing reason for the change? “Being able to clearly follow what a person does makes esports commentating easier to do.” /headdesk.


I agree. I quit during MoP, skipped WoD, and returned late Legion. My first reaction after getting logged in was pure shock at how gutted my main was.

I hasn’t gotten any better. I’ve recently benched this character, who has been my main ever since I started, because Guardian is so godawful boring right now.


I hated that so much. One of the reasons I left for 8 years or so. I really miss the customization available in talent trees, and the variety of stats like resist, resil, penetration, etc. I really like playing unusual builds good at particular things.


its not spammy cause you have 8% haste and your gear sucks

They removed things that did nothing but give your character “flavor.” Who cares if soothe or eyes of the beast or sentry totem or whatever ability you no longer have didn’t increase your DPS or healing. It’s what made your spec/class unique from everything else. It’s what WoW is missing, class identity. Now, your plated classes are largely similar, just with a different colored bar for their “resource.”



I was reminiscing about WOW lookong through the first Brady Games, strategy guide (v2) they did for WOW and the one for Burning Crusade. I miss those days. There were whole sections created for each class. Pages of skills, abilities and stats. The possibilities and things I could do with my class progression was endless

Now… well, yeah… does anyone even write strategy guides like that anymore?

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I feel obliged to stack haste this expac to feel reactive enough. My dps suffers, but hard casting sucks otherwise. (I mostly PVP)


as a shammy what are you always casting that was not on the GCD?

Lol! I have the burning crusade strategy guide still. Great nostalgia. I think one of the main differences between the game now and then is that the whole world was alive and not just the end game content. Low level PvP was engaging too.