Class design is why people are leaving

You state you didn’t notice something, and then the next post you make you state you noticed said thing.


We really just need 2 talents to be added between 100 and 120 and to have UH lose its wounds. Then they could start fixing most classes


It’s barely noticeable and in actuality not the gameplay hindrance people say it is. Especially with enough haste

No, it’s definitely a gameplay hindrance where correct actions matter. Having a CD such as Avenging Wrath consume the first second of the effect due to waiting on the CGD is undeniably gameplay hindering.

Movement abilities on the GCD require losing DPS/HPS. Deathgrip I believe is on the GCD right now, and as a major tool for DKs, losing a GCD usage to it can be big, especially if they’re pushing Mythic Content.

The change was focused at slowing down “fast” players so they’d be on the same level with what players who don’t use macros or maybe plays slower.

Also, not every class wants to stack haste.


Movement abilities were taken off the gcd

Not all of them, many classes still have movement spells on the GCD. Further proving the laziness with this decision and how they approach it.


Divine Steed is on the GCD.


Divine steed has always been on the gcd

The ability it replaced was not though. Our only movement ability shouldn’t have a GCD restriction.


You’re paladin. It’s called class fantasy. You’re supposed to be slow m8

I notice the GCD every time I try to use my PS procs. Instead of an instant ability, I have to wait half a beat so I can use it. It’s very irritating.


They are bare bones, but they still can’t balance them. It is utterly pathetic with all the player agency we have lost over the years, that these hacks can’t balance watered down, ruined classes.


Yes!! I remember all of that. Such great class fantasty butchered

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Not just class design its the layers of rng,extream favortism toward a faction allys free ilvl 400 gear and bad m+ system with raider io.

I’ve said this before, good class design makes the “grind” more bearable.
The bland class design we have now makes the grind suck all the more.


Class design affects everything in the game aside from maybe pet battles lol


No each class didn’t have it’s own identity , each spec did and since then the classes have felt less like actual classes that share many abilities among the various specs in their respective class but more like separate micro classes that just share a common name [insert class name]


Why level when you can p2w and get a free 110?

No one buys that has played this game for any length of time. Just admit you are wrong that pruning has hurt this game a lot more than helped.


A reply I had put in another thread, but I think applies to the topics being discussed here.

My fury warrior is hella fun, but it has dead talents all over the place. Also, why is Unbridled Ferocity not on the rppm system? What’s engaging about getting 5 procs in one fight and one proc in the same length fight another time? RPPM is a good system, why is it not being used here?

Arms warrior on the other hand since the great neutering of 8.1 and completely destroying everything related to execute and general slow pace of the spec is not much fun right now. Not only is it not a very strong spec (even after the tuning), but it doesn’t offer much excitement to play. It is one of the absolute slowest specs in the game. If you take talents, which arms actually has multiple competitive choices. But if you take a vast majority of those talents (not skullsplitter or massacre) the spec drops down to almost 40 apm. That is hella slow! and the spec isn’t even very powerful to boot right now, and because of how mastery works at that moment those hits when they do finally go off don’t feel satisfying because 25% of our damage is in a passive dot of deep wounds.

The dead talents for Fury, and the longstanding gameplay issues for arms apply to all specs. Every single spec in the game basically has one cookie cutter talent build, and many dead talents. Many specs (enh shaman cough) have the same kind of gameplay and pacing issues you see with Arms.