Class design is why people are leaving

Ok ION back into your cave…


Though most people like the removal of master loot, as it’s long been used to effectively funnel loot away from most players. Knowing your time and effort has the same chance of a reward as everyone else’s is a pretty big incentive to virtually everyone in the game other than the 5-10 core players in each big guild that normally would get geared insanely before tossing the scraps to the less valuable plebs holding them up.

It might have been one of the few changes that was a good thing for the game.

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Very true I suppose. I think the randomness makes people more salty than ever though.

If there was some sort of bad luck protection I think the system would work.

People that do the same raid 10-20 times and still can’t get the piece they want

MoP was the last time I truly enjoyed my class and raiding. WoD started the prune, plus they reduced caster/healer mobility, then they killed 10 man heroic raiding with mythic. All choices I’m sure the devs believed would make the game better, but no…


I miss the RPG days. Lvl 19 twinks… hanging out and pvping in goldshire! … groups getting together to go raid some horde towns… pugging a group to head over to westfall to do deadmines… how things have changed, and not for the good

A fellow wow player said recently:
“I used to be a nobody doing heroic things. Now I’m a hero doing nothing”

Couldnt be more true


Yes lol. It’s kind of sad tbh. When you think about how great WoW used to be


Where did most come from?

How do we know most people like master loot gone? I can assure you that opinion is locked to people who raid. I don’t raid so to me removal of master loot was garbage.

A rather small number of WoW player despised master loot rules in raids. So it gets clipped and negatively affects multitudes of different people downstream.

This in microcosm explains why the current development team is hurting the game.

Yea having half your classes talents locked behind a RNG pve item wasn’t a solid game design decision.

Traits are cool in of themselves but people should just have access to them all and be able to swap between them freely depending on your current situation (aka talents).

Current system makes zero sense.

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Leveling is a small, small fraction of the game. You would enjoy other MMOs with all leveling and no end game content.

I know it sucks not having a full talent tree where you would go to a website find the proper min/max and complain that everyone was the same. Azerite traits have been the most unique take on the complaint that everyone played the same talents and min/max. Now you have to make actual choices and understand the traits. Can they improve on some traits or ways to access them, yep, and they have.

That’s the point, you dont get to make actual choices, you get to play with your RNG given ability modifiers.

Not really. If you want a specific trait combo from the vendor you will literally save for an entire season to get it. The only way to get it is through mythics (no other content gives a consistent way to get residum). Then to top this they added a second ring of traits where your ultimately desired combo is going to be even more rare and hard to get.

It should be given to you and you should be able to swap between them freely. Going to go do a solo wq? Take some 1v1 traits. Going to do some group wpvp? Take some group support traits. Going to raid and have a single target fight? On and on and on.

It’s a system with amazing potential that they completely botched.


So the argument is we need to eliminate player choice by ditching the skill trees all because high level players had to go to build sites to learn which build optimized their output?

First off, if there wasn’t multiple builds that was pushing the max output, that’s blizz’s fault for not balancing the options better. Though there was one that was typically “the best”, there were many variations that were comparable

Second, the skill tree provided choice, it gave you the player the ability to select what skills you did or didn’t take. On top of that, you could decide if you wanted to specialize in one spec specifically or dabble in multiple specs. Key words, “player choice”

This system promoted individuality. In other words, not all mages had to be or were the same. Not everyone got a trophy, some mages were better than others, had different skills, looks and capabilities but that was OK. In fact it made the world feel real and engaging. It incentivized players to learn their class, skills and builds.

Personally, I never went to a build site I chose the things I liked and that I knew would improve my character. I figured out a good fit for me through trial and error and had fun doing it. I surely wasnt top in NA but who cares, I was doing end game stuff and was on par/meeting expectations with everyone else I was playing with.

The RPG aspect of this game is just as crucial as all of the rest.

“I used to be a nobody doing heroic things, now I’m a hero doing nothing”


Not only that, but they are homogeneous in their rotation now. Which is incredibly dull. Builder>builder>builder>powee spender!


I miss when different pets had different spells lile ancient hysteria for core hounds, ankle crack for allogators, web and monkey blind too, but those have all been stripped away.


I miss the depth also. I dont even look at what my pets do (skills) when I tame them anymore.

I remember after I worked hard leveling a pet, finding new skills for it and leveling (ranking) the skills, I felt bonded to it, the pet had meaning to me and I cherished it because I had to work to make it what it was.

Then having to feed it and keep it happy added another level of realism even on top of that.

Now, a pet is meaningless, I feel nothing when I abandon one because I know I can replace it in a few sec


lack of class balance is the main thing. the fact that every part of this game in bfa feels like a janky version of what we had in legion and in some cases wod.

the economy is really screwed up too.


Well every class has been stripped away for convenience purposes. When I mention things like warlocks having to use souls shards and how I miss class fantasy, people tell me “well, farming soul shards was inconvenient”.

My advice is that if you don’t like farming souls, than don’t play a warlock?

Idk, pruning for casuals has kind of taken a bit of spirit out of this game.

If you don’t like buying arrows or farming pets, then don’t play a hunter?

Anyway I’m done ranting for now. Classic is coming


The last chance for Blizz… Hoping it’s it’s at least decent. I’d take decent at this point.

Warrior class design has never been more enjoyable to play in my opinion. Feels fluid, less clunky and more thematically pleasing.

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Not soon enough