Class design is why people are leaving

I leveled priest and shaman. I think priest is probably one of the better designed classes atm. As a healer you can change between two different play styles which can alleviate some of the staleness.

For me its not just class design, its the story , an over use of rng, the soon to be former azerite system, a rushed and sometimes buggy expac, major unbalance in rewards for factions (on both sides). Allied races Trolls and Kul’tirans should’ve been available earlier and poor communication from devs. Its a package of shoddiness. But my opinion only.

Edit And in game community “toxicity”


I mean. Its a super old game, people move on all the time. Its natural. Theres doom and gloom posts every expansion, every year. all the time. “wow is dying, its clearly cus of X, Y or Z”

WoW could lose half its population over night and it’d still be the biggest MMO on the market.


It’s true there are some random complaints that are player specific or for some small number of people. But there are also complaints almost everyone agrees upon and come up again and again. Should we ignore them too?


Bad class design seems to be the one thing a lot of people can agree with for once (not everyone true, but for this lot to have this many agree on something says something *also see it on other forums as the biggest issue)

Blizzard your class design is bad and you should feel bad
(v) (* … *) (v)


Yes class are more boring (not as much as my arcane mage was during WOTLK to top dps meters haha) but I am not sure ill renew my sub mostly because there is not much to do. Same world quests, raining gear, I dont like mythic+. I love to raid, with the raining gear it is harder to get people to log in to raid because it is way easier tongear up by other means.
And I play frost mage and BM hunter and the gear in BoD ain’t that interesting… and we can’t reforge stats.
My hope is the people I am raiding with keep on going because I am having fun with them ( not even my guildies)
I used to like doing random dungeons but now people are either mean jerks, don’t want to you the a***** word (because being anonymous behind your keyboard makes a lot of people more courageous apprently) and the fact that with all that free gear, a lot of people don’t know how to play so it makes pugging more and more painful.


Class design is bad but still druid compared to shaman isnt very similar.


The problem with class design is everything in this game boils down to, get more gear get better. SO everything is numbers, and if = ilvl geared classes are compared and one does more damage, then people leave their class for the flavor of the month.
Legion artefacts tried to get people to commit to a class and spec, and people QQ about it, same with Azerite gear…
Until we have a true character progression that takes time and investment, people will always jump ship, and thus people will never truly invest in classes…

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A lot of my friends and ex guild mates left because of how bad classes feel.

I feel that we devolved from Legion to BFA.

Some specs feel great though. Examples are Balance Druid and Havoc Demon Hunter. Blizzard has done a good job with some but a lot of specializations need love. It would help the game a lot.


Here’s a list of reasons that nearly has me hitting the unsub button (along with many others I know whom already have):

  • RNG on RNG
  • GCD overkill
  • Professions have been made worthless
  • Class Design (agree with OP)
  • The current content world feels small and crowded
  • All of BFA feels like a Legion patch, minus the fun things from legion
  • Skill pruning has gone way too far
  • Stat pruning/consolidating has gone way too far
  • No character progression (in fact its backwards, the more levels I gain the weaker I become)
  • Removal of class sets (this was the primary reason for raiding for me)
  • Removal of vendors and currencies
  • Sharding and removal of server types
  • I get so much purple, free gear I could puke. Having an epic pc of gear means 0. They should just get rid of colors, it’s already been replaced with ilvl
  • guilds and communities have been gutted
  • Removal of any and all things that gave player choice
  • Time gating … everything

All of these things are highlighted by the lack of RPG. I have no connection to my characters anymore. They feel hollow, i feel like the last 12+ years I’ve been playing has been for nothing. No awesome looking champion with unique battle scars. No legacy skills my character has learned over the years. No super professions that allows me to craft insane cool items that I learned over years and years I’ve crafted and gathered in this game. Every xpac, all progress, experiences, skills etc. Is wiped out and forgotten

It’s an MMOA: Multi Massive Online Arcade. I can go buy the game for the first time, pop a quarter in to start my game time and have a character like everyone else within a week. I just keep feeding it quarters.

I’m really only holding on hoping blizz finally starts listening and it gets better. It’s hard to walk away when you have this much invested


I agree with the time gating. It completely ruins the story too. I was so hyped for Jaina and the coming war and then the story kind of falls apart once you enter the new zones and you don’t even see Jaina for all 10 levels before getting a cutscene and then nothing for 4 months.

It’s a story that takes like 2 years of waiting and nothing to do in between.

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Not just class design, no content on other things people like. For myself, its crafting thus that’s why I’ll be leaving to other games who has them. But, I’ll still keep up with the lore. I still like it.


Agreed. They are all so boring nothing special about them. Legion really killed them, hopefully Blizzard learns and makes them fan/unique again.


Man… that talent tree? Iam playing mage and I feel like half of the talents is super useless and second half is shared with other specs. And you get nothing after 100. Azerite traits are also 80% same between all classes. :frowning:


pretty much. Not a whole lot of choice tbh

The lack of playable High Elves are why people are leaving.


Bring back talent trees, Bring back fun spells that have been removed over the years, make classes unique again. No more homogenised classes/specs.


Could you imagine the talent trees if they still did 1 talent per level? They’d be absolutely massive

I would argue it is a multitude of things. Reward system might be the largest one, people will put up with a lot of dumb stuff if they feel rewarded enough.

Additionally I think one of the most underrated problems is that WoW is nothing but a combat focused game. They pushed away aspects that make MMOs feel different to other games. In depth crafting for instance, more community and social related stuff like player Housing or Guild Housing. With all the other more modern combat oriented games that exist, the sheer abundance of them, why would someone stick with a 14 year old game that offers nothing else?


lol yeah. Just make it better then the abortion it is now.