Class design is why people are leaving

It’s one reason. But there over 9000 other reasons.

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I don’t understand where you’re going with this. It seems like you agree but don’t want to agree lol

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Oh I definitely think the class design including Azerite is why a large portion of people left probably the #1 reason


This. Combat animation improvement merits comment, but I feel that many other aspects are beginning to slip (such as story telling, class design, the grind for new-races-but-not-new-races, etc.).

Maybe it’s age related, and I’ve simply been playing too long, but novelty isn’t something I see in WoW anymore.


I think you are possibly experiencing Confirmation Bias… just because you feel this is the reason, doesn’t mean more than a small percentage of the overall playerbase that has left the game feels the same way.


I feel like it’s 1# too, its so odd that they shifted WoW to being so much more about numbers than:

managing aggro
finding unconventional rotations
quest design
getting that coveted piece of gear (because no one cares about gear anymore)

and yet they seem complacent in letting a handful of specializations dominate all forms of content.


People can say what they want about MoP, but if they say anything against how the classes played… Fightin words I tell ye!

It was also the last xpac I enjoyed shaman.


Thanks man!

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Agreed on everything, and I’d like to add more.

  • all classes same iLvL = same HP. I mean hello? how? Melee classes in general should have more HP than caster, ranged classes. Melee classes, they are at the front line of attacks, taking more damage. In PvP, ranged classes get to attack them from the distance first.
    How come same iLvL = same HP? Warriors get to wear plate but does plate help against a fire mage?
    Also a warrior class is pure melee. All their attacks need to be in melee range, whereas paladins got ranged attack skills. A good pally can just kite and slowly kill a warrior and a warrior doesn’t even have healing like a paladin. So how come same HP?

That could be but a lot of high rated you tubers and reviewers and highly commented posts both on EU and NA forums all criticize the same things that I do.

There was nothing but praise for legion from the start from, but you’d hear “game would be better if the character you experienced the world with wasn’t so bland”


I would counter that by being able to reroll so easily to experience new classes (and be raid geared within a day of hitting max level) is bad for the game, rather than the “experience all classes” mentality. The reason is, each class/experience becomes more about which button hits harder than committing to a character (and thus committing to developing yourself more in game).


Class design definitely blows right now though. The GCD makes it even worse


MoP was so fun class design wise. I had spriest, afflic lock, unholy dk, surv hunt, and sub rogue. all of which i had fun with in rbgs. (spriest most cause it had some utility with mass dispel/blanket silence/horrify/fear) along with the burst potential with 4 orbs and instant mind blast proc.

class design is probably my #1 problem with this game currently, then its rng system


I totally agree.

Ion has stated many times that he doesn’t want classes to feel the same but the main point that he is missing is that the amount of pruning that they have done along with the talent trees and class design as a whole has lead to all of the classes feeling the exact same to play.

I am an altoholic myself and have been for many years and I’ve noticed this too. It all feels the exact same. They really need to undo the prune. Go back to MoP class design exactly and go from there. Yes I know they won’t go back to MoP class design but they should try everything that they can to make it there because MoP class design was by far the best I’ve ever played in WoW.


I have not been able to find a class or spec that I enjoy at 120.


I could say the same. I used to be addicted to the class design and it’s the reason I made so many alts. They used to be so ridiculously fun. I didn’t even care if there were content droughts in the game cause I could always roll another alt and have an absolute blast. I was never bored in WoW until they started pruning like crazy in Legion. It just hasn’t been the same for me since.


Let’s take this from another angle… if leaked numbers are to be believed, there were around 3.5 million active subs shortly after launch… that means that between the launch and today, roughly 1.7 million people left the game. To truly be EVERYONE, you would have to show, even anecdotally, that most of that 1.7 million number left because of class design. I doubt you could find 1.7 million people to agree on whether or not water is wet (see how i brought it all back around) much less agree that this game’s number 1 problem is Class Design… what about Dungeon Finder issues (not enough tanks, not enough healers, players who do listen)? What about the misanthropes who think PVP is dead? What about the people who complain about Pathfinder? What about the people who complain about welfare epics? What about people who complain that mounts are just reskins of previous mounts? So many reasons why people leave a game (when I left after warlords of draenor it was because I became bored of the endless grind (after leveling 10+ alts through the garrison). Your original claim is so flawed it would be laughable if you weren’t so earnest in your defense…

We can agree that yes, players have left this game in large numbers… but I doubt whatever issue you see is the number issue.

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It is one of several reasons people are leaving.

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Haha I’m actually convinced that it is class design. There’s always been problems like those you listed in past expansions but people still had a reason to keep playing because they enjoyed their class and getting to level alts if they were bored of one class.

Just my opinion though :slight_smile:

I will say that legion kept me hooked at least for a while longer than BfA because the class design was relatively new and it was exciting to see the changes they made to each spec and getting the cool artifact weapons. I think they need to do this every expansion or people get bored


You presented your opinion as fact… which, it isn’t… it is one opinion of probably thousands of reasons people have left the game… your reason is every bit as valid as the next, but i seriously doubt it is the number 1 (and that is just my opinion).

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