Class design is strange. Low skill classes should deal less damage

This is a dirty road to travel. It is elitist too. If you can make and win your case that the more complex playstyle deserves a bigger pat on the back, then you’ll attack melee vs ranged next. Or short characters vs tall, taller characters obviously would have the advantage.

Then you aren’t a game dev that works for blizzard so your opinion on their game design is irrelevant.

I love how you ignored the facts.

Don’t ignore it this time

How did you play both specs are higher levels than most people without learning them? Were you being carried? Seriously, try learning arcane. It has more going on than BM, but it’s still pretty easy.

Really? Cause if I wanted to provide an example of what a “personal shot” looks like, I think

Would be a fine example.

Although you don’t seem capable of maintaining a through line. All that’s really happened here is Snoz called you out for not engaging in difficult content and you clearly got upset about it :joy:

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Go on and do research on dominant strategy, until then your opinion is worthless to me.

Not in the toxic community we have. If one class/spec is shown to be underperforming (even if only theoretically or at the 1% level) then it becomes shunned by the community as “non meta” and won’t be accepted into any higher content. Your “reward” for playing a complicated spec well should be nothing but pride. Any other design just means that you might as well not have “easy” specs at all. If you need that kind of challenge Dark Souls is ======>. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Learning isn’t the same as mastering them.

I know how to play arcane.

Maybe in the super simple world content you do but at higher end they aren’t even comparable.

Learning is not mastering, you can understand something sufficiently to know you have a long way to go whilst still being good enough for most content.

Mythic raiding outside of world first level does not require absolute mastery, most mythic raiders are very aware of their shortcomings even on specs they main.

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Using button count as a metric for complexity or difficulty is stupid and shows a complete lack of understanding about how the vast majority of classes play.

Fire mage has 4-5 rotational buttons and is largely considered one of the most difficult specs to play in the game.


I love playing mage but I am so awful at using their defensive tool kit properly.

Warlock and hunter in just like OOO button

/cast dark pact

/cast survival of the fittest

Seconding this I genuinely believe the hardest DPS spec in m+ is aug, due to the amount of relevant and impactful decisions they can make with regards to utility, as well as the responsibility they are typically shouldered with.

This doesn’t mean bad augs don’t get further than they should, spec’s basically a black box from a performance standpoint, but the difference between a good and bad one feels greater than with any other spec I routinely play with.

It’s not a personal shot to say Snoz doesn’t know how to read graphs. He doesn’t.

I can link you the thread demonstrating as much, if you so please.

I don’t care that Snoz called me out because I don’t hinge my pride and ego on arbitrary points in a video game.

But you’re free to feel that way, I suppose.

When he states a fact, and you appear offended by that fact, the only presence of ego here is yours.

I’m confident snoz knows how to read graphs :smiley:

You know what’s bad design? Intentionally making classes perform worse due to their own decisions based on how complex they want them to be.


The evokers that I have talked to in my guild have said that Aug is very easy button wise.

But it requires having a huge amount of game knowledge to play effectively of not just the encounters but the classes you’re playing with.

They also said that mplus as Aug is more enjoyable than raid.

They both also hate Aug as a concept.

100% agree.

That confidence would be misplaced, but good for you.

Just coming to say, nerf hunter dmg in pvp. :melting_face:

Yup, and they refuse to acknowledge it. Almost as if they have no idea how to balance a game.

One thing I’ll say is hearing non mythic raiders repeat points about meta and 1% when mythic raiding is full of 1 tricks and every time arcane is the best mage spec half the mages you know refuse to play it and just keep playing fire / frost on progress because they don’t like it does get a little tiring.

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