Class design in cata is outright better

im literally playing a better design version with little but significant changes in the right direction of my class.
everything about both dk, warrior and enhance(the classes i play rn) feels more complete, less clunky and have more overall sense while being barely touched.
how can it be worse? how far are you willing to go just to follow a dumb narrative bound in nerdy nostalgia?


Generally class design improves each expansion until the controversial WoD ability prune, with a few exceptions here and there (e.g. that atrocious tier of MoP mage talents where all three of them require you to hold still or stand in the fire).


To be honest it kind of reached its worst point in Legion, with classes having to be balanced around their artifact weapons, so every class just felt incomplete before getting them, and then incomplete again at the end of the expansion when they no longer worked…and it never recovered until Dragonflight. Borrowed power was definitely the game’s biggest mistake


hunter is way better than in wrath, focus should have been in the game from the beginning. and minor changes like pruning volley pissed me off at first but the more you play it the more you realize how much better multi-shot is, way better than sitting there channeling a volley. using explosive trap for single-target was such bad design black arrow was basically useless. removing eyes of the beast is trash though it was good for pet management


Artifacts are a bit of a wild card, yeah. They combine the issue of balancing an entire spec around something with the whole “borrowed power” thing.

Yeh class design is better. Feral feels like it should. Only problem is. Its bad dps at lvl 85. Plz buff feral cat blizz!!

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Nope. It’s worse. Cataclysm is where they really started going overdrive on homogenization and just started giving every class copies or slightly different variations of the same abilities. The design is extremely lazy and boring.

Vanilla aged like fine wine, cataclysm aged like milk.


Legion-SL gameplay wise was the worst era of WoW


Floating damage numbers puke change
Animations became objectively worse
% modifiers everywhere. Filler button, debuff, buff, passive. Nothing is allowed to be strong by itself

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Yeah i have said this since before cata launched.

The classes are way better than wotlk class design.


Bfa corruptions….shudders. Wow has shown balance can go bad. Real bad.

That stuff started off funny at first. What happens when you throw in not well balanced content, You have a blast!

But at some it’s like man this crap needs to end.

Sl did almost the same thing in a later patch. Druids, necro talent, And good gear. Bears became low grade raid bosses in bg lol.

I’ll definitely give you this. I miss the days when Lava Burst and Shield Slam were actually nukes.


Me over here looking at my Shaman with it’s Primal Strike and Stormstrike and wondering why I have two abilities that put each other on cooldown, while one (Primal Strike) appears to be way weaker than the other (Stormstrike).

Like this feels like Enhancement should have cause Stormstrike to replace Primal Strike or something…

this is the most intelectually disonest comment ive seen so far.
if anything they are more unique than ever right now.(smoke bomb, necrotic strike, c smash, feral roar) everthing else looks the same like it was in wotlk.
what was homogenized? interrupts? in essence pummel is a punch thrown while a caster is reciting a spell, why on earth would a retribution paladin be unable to throw a punch on someones mouth?

the amount of ms during wotlk and the amount of 1 button rotations from vanilla to wrath felt much more homogenized than that
you are just following a dumb narrative without even thinking for yourself


Vanilla is actual dog water lol. Easily one of the worst versions of the game. The class design is literally so bad there are “meme specs” and warrior class stacking is the meta throughout every single phase. Go play era and stick to that. Vanilla, TBC and Wrath need to go away for at least 15 years, Cata is way better. Era can stay for the weirdos to be kept somewhere paying 15$ to improve the real game for us.


Completely insane opinion. Vanilla was by far the worst state WoW had ever been in. Over half of the games specs were unplayable, and the hybrid classes were at the bottom of everything regardless of spec. There’s a reason that era servers are dead and SoD is doing so well. Vanilla as an RPG is great, you fix the class design and you have a really good game.

Vanilla was/is really bad.


Agreed. Ele feels way better in Cata. Actually excited for Cata. Wotlk was boring after s6


I don’t have any interest in a Classic past MoP. I think that Cataclysm will do better than some people expected due to it being not too much of the old wow or the new.


Raiding was not the only part of the game.

and you are not in 2004, playerbase culture has shifted
raiding is mostly everything in classic rn outside for those who pvp
naxx wasnt even completed in og vanilla