Class Changes in TBC

can you link the post?


Yes, please link the post.


It’s just fearmongering.

Just get ready for rogues with 2 maces that stunlock you for all of eternity.

Doesn’t matter if you trinket…

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I feel this would make the news rounds if a dev posted something like that. A quick glance around showed nothing so rather skeptical atm.

Hunters are still gunna be mid tier pvp tho with mana drain comp which is uber boring so forget all that

What are you trying to say? Hunters lose mana and gain Steady shot and kill command we dont “auto attack” anything… Not pvp anyways

LOL ofc she did they want as many pre orders and buys on shadowlands as they can get. TBC is a 100% for sure thing. Its literally blizzard printing money from Subs at very very little cost on their end.

Hemo maces was probably the most fun thing in all of wow lol

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this is awesome when did they confirm TBC i looked and cant find anything?

Ret paladin PVP gear didn’t even get Resilience until 2.3 in TBC.

It will be interesting to see how Ret shapes up in PVE, though.


Shoot and Attack are separate abilities in vanilla WoW, and this is changed in BC. Specifically, ‘“Auto shot” will be automatically enabled if the Hunter steps out of melee range while in combat with target.’

And hunters don’t switch to Focus until Cataclysm…

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Feral druid (cat) has one of the most complex / involved rotations in classic (which makes it the most fun imo). The skill floor and ceiling is quite high compared to other classes. Most of it is pretty unintuitive though and requires lots of practice so lots of druids (nevermind other people) don’t know about it or don’t bother with it which is where the abysmal dps stereotype rightfully comes from.

A well played cat - that also ‘wastes’ time farming a lot of MCPs - does very competitive damage in classic, while bringing good raid utility at the same time. Absolutely worth a raid spot or 2 even in serious guilds.

It’s a difficult, tedious workaround to lame spec design but that notwithstanding, good cats are a lot better than most people think because they rarely if ever run into one for various reasons.

I’m not saying the spec is well-designed in classic because it’s not. But it still has a lot of hidden potential. Gotta represent teh kittehs :smiley:

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Well, the Vanilla feral is night and day from the Classic feral. MCPs weren’t a thing in Vanilla. Powershifting was known, but not as widely known. Therefore, there is some truth to the quote. That all said BC didn’t really make feral dps that much better. Our gear doesn’t end up scaling much past Tier 5 and the feral T6 is much better for a bear than a cat.

I can’t wait to see if we break out of the Wolfshead Helm with Illidan on farm or the helm out of Sunwell. I was mainly a bear in retail BC so I’m excited for what is to come.

From what has been discovered with feral dps I wonder if just adding some gear would have alleviated some issues. Sure, it would be nice not to use Wolfshead Helm, but we’re still going to be using a Strat Live OH and a BRD idol for the entirety of Classic. An idol reducing the cost of Shred would have been nice to allow more spec options possibly. A proper epic level off hand would have been a miracle. Although there are enough bears still wearing Warden Staff out of ignorance.

Um no lol.

A feral druid that farms all those mcps and comes with max buffs are able to put out middle to lower pack dps.

The ones that don’t do all that stuff is why everyone says feral is trash because it is dps wise. You have to go above and beyond 500% more than everyone else just to do crap dps

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BFA being a dumpster fire and turning into a ghost town confirmed classic.

Shadowlands is going to be the same exact trash. If you played beta then you know TBC is 100% lol

Even when they got Resili they weren’t very good.

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A few things.

  1. SL/SL Warlocks become unbeatable in 1v1 against any other class after they gear up to around S4/T6 level. They don’t even need to fear, they can effectively drain tank another player.

  2. Restoration druids get a lot of slack and called overpowered but it is mainly complaining due to 2v2 arena where they were strong when paired with other classes that were strong in all brackets. In 3v3 they were middle of the pack and dead last among healers in 5v5 while solo they weren’t generally threats.

The only ones who really should complain about Restoration (Or balance) Druids are mainly feral druids as Hibernate, Cyclone, and Roots all have different diminishing returns and can be spammed to effectively shut down a feral druid indefinitely. You will have some people say “Just shift out of it” but ignore the fact that shifting is expensive, clears energy and rage, and resets swing timers and they have no cool down on hibernate.

  1. Hunters got a major and undo buff during the last patch before 3.0 which was broken and it took them till in wrath to fix it so if they refuse to address that, it will cause problems. They put a dispel on their Arcane shot. This allowed them to dispel priest bubbles and other stuff when they logically shouldn’t even have a magic dispel and even put it as part of their natural DPS rotation so they didn’t even think about it and just did it many times.

Overall, TBC is VERY fun though, but not without its issues.

Melee dps like rogues and warriors fall way behind. They become useful in BT so you bring one or 2 along until then so they can put out decent dps in BT. It’s not the rogues/warriors fault though. Its the raid encounter design. It’s not very good for melee.

I’d like to third the request for a link.

There aren’t any really big changes. 60 to 70 there is very little change for everyone stat wise. They didn’t really start inflating numbers until WOTLK-Cata era. Which was always a mistake to begin with.

But the changes they do make to classes mostly come down to some dps classes having mana during fights, and actually having a few buttons to press. Which makes a big difference in a raid environment.

Some classes gain new tricks to use in pvp, and cc. But there really aren’t any huge changes. A lot of them are small changes that make a big difference. Which is why TBC is such a good expansion.

Heroism and bloodlust are raid wide with a raid wide debuff after use

Not really… I mean, they’re shamans so you’re gonna stack them for heroism, but enhance and ele are still really meh and most min/max teams arent gonna bring them

Very incorrect. In BC it is party-wide only