Class Changes in TBC

According to Tcat’s offical post today, there will be no TBC added to classic, ever.

Who is Tcat?

Mage is busted OP leveling wise lol

Hunter is actually decent in pvp in TBC where as now they’re okay but easily farmed by good players that understand how to abuse leeway and awful atari aged spell batching

Rogues get some pretty hefty changes
Warriors are still really good and get a lot of QOL changes.
Enhance is decent and gets some QOL changes.
Spriest still really good pvp wise and gets some BIG time needed changes for PVE

I would say biggest change is for hunter, dead zone change and removing mana as main resource is gigantic.

Feral is still kinda poop in pvp. They’re definitely better but not on par with classes like rogue/mage in arena.

Who is Tcat? And when shadowlands bombs like bfa you can bet your life TBC gets released to save sub#s the same way classic did.

Stockholders and activision makes those calls not an actual game developer

I’ll speak on feral Druid as that has been my class and spec since Vanilla. In BC we got an early boost from Mangle in its un-nerfed form. Feral dps didn’t get any better itself. Feral dps starts okay and by T5 does quite well on the few melee friendly fights, but as the rest of the melee gear up and T6 gear comes available it doesn’t catch the boost others will. Especially rogues or warriors that get a warglaive.

Blizzard finally made feral gear and made it possible for a bear druid to be uncritable via gear. At first, feral tanks weren’t as easily accepted. The Vanilla stereotypes held strong as did warrior tanking due to their gearing options. But as druids got gear we became often the favored off tank of many a raiding guild. Prot Paladins also were finally given something resembling a taunt and many other changes making them the best AoE tanks in BC. Feral tanking would go onto arguably be the best tank in Sunwell. And druid tanks were a part of the reason Blizzard introduced the Sunwell Radiance (tank dodge was reduced by around 20% and the Sunwell trash and bosses I believe their hit chance increased 5%) was because Blizzard had removed crushing blows from bosses. No longer was a tank at risk of being demolished like in prior content by a crushing blow. Druids had extremely high health, armor, and could get insane amounts of dodge. Without crushing blows this meant a bear was the ideal tank going forward from Sunwell onward. Blizzard’s fix was Sunwell Radiance. I’m an avid lover of BC feral tanking.

That said feral was only decent in a few arena comps, but pvp gear had resilience which helped feral tanks get crit immune.

I know some guilds had balance aka boomkins. I found actually good boomkin to be a rarity on my server. The boomkin we brought in was so bad we ended up leaving her out many a night. Boomkin bring a nice hit buff that everyone wants especially your ranged. So you will see them as their dps slightly increases and that with their utility makes bringing at least one a requirement for most guilds.

Resto, as some on the druid discord would say…boring PvE and best PvP. Restos are good healers in raid content and heroics, but you’re not going to bring three unless you’re overly casual about raid composition. In PvP you pair them with a warrior, rogue, warlock, etc and they become gods among men. The addition of Lifebloom for heals and Cyclone for CC is just OP.

You’re going to see a large influx in ALL druid specs in BC. With druids becoming better in every spec they go from “most likely healing in raids and flag running WSG” to a true jack of all trades, hybrid class. Yes, in Classic a feral willing to put in the effort can be a great tank and a solid dps, but in BC you don’t need the MCP gimmick. Plus it’s completely removed with the change to haste. Sadly, feral dps probably won’t lose their Wolfshead helm until Wrath Classic for most. And all those restos with boomkin dreams will get to realize them. And all the boomkin mocked in Classic will finally be welcomed to the raids.

Just a druid’s perspective as a druid from Vanilla to Legion.

A NE Feral/Human Rogue comp that’s well played will do quite well especially in early season. They fall off later as the feral’s gear falls off in late T5 with people gearing up into T6. That said they aren’t going to win glad, but they’ll be more solid than people thought in retail BC.

False, unless you’re only speaking the top end. Yes, if you want to get glad every time as a druid you’ll be resto. That said if you’re looking to have fun and have a decent ranking you can be balance or feral in the right comps. For Alliance, Human Rogue/Feral is quite powerful early on.

I think people are overlooking the most critical change: the reduction in raid slots.

Currently, you’ve got four long duration buffs that you need to bring a Mage, a Priest and a Druid to cover. Beyond that you’re probably bringing either 5 Shaman or 3 Paladins (all of whom are healers).

That’s between 15% and 20% of your raid.

In BC, you still need all of those players. Except you need both the Shaman and the Paladins and the raid just shrunk by 15 players. So 44% of your raid slots are taken up by specific classes, regardless of what else they bring to the table.

Hunters, Druids, Shaman, Priests and Paladins also get ‘viable’ dps specs. They may not be the best dps out there, but the conjunction of their personal dps with the buffs/debuffs they bring make them more useful than a pure dps.

So your raid composition is probably going to look something like:
Shaman: 5
Paladins: 3
Hunters: 2 - 3
Druids: 2 - 3
Warlocks: 2 - 3
Priest: 2 - 3
Mages: 1 - 2
Warriors: 1 - 2
Rogues: 1 - 2

Compared to current raiding, this means that the top 5 classes on that list will probably have a raid spot. If your main is one of the bottom four? The competition for the remaining raid slots will be fierce - you’ll only be taking half to a quarter of your current complement into BC raiding.

So while you can philosophize about how good Arcane Mages or Combat Rogues eventually become, you need to do so with the knowledge that you personally will have to be a truly stellar example of that spec to have a raid spot.


I mostly only have good memories from TBC balance
I played warrior and priest, warriors were not FOTM for tanking but at least we could at last thunderclap in defensive stance.

They were still considered top tank until T6 gear put druids and pallies above them. No tank was really FOTM in BC. Warrior tanks had better gear options from T4 through T5.

Paladins should receive all seals regardless of faction. Frankly it was an oversight otherwise it wouldn’t have been rectified in the wotlk prepatch which was still technically tbc.
Anyone who disagrees can p#$@ off

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sweaties are going to stack locks/hunters like they stack warriors/mages in classic i guarantee it

Can’t take other opinions? Stick to mama’s house.

People asked for legacy servers and not reworks. If you don’t like that I’d suggest crying somewhere else.


Ill vent here tyvm and if you dont like it then YOU can leave.
Check and mate kiddo. Heh, nothin personel

Most classes stay relatively the same they just kinda get… more?

A few specs will have some pretty significant upgrades but I think most people get like 5-10 new spells/abilities

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It’s one of the better jobs done by Blizzard. Most classes didn’t have massive overhauls so you didn’t have to relearn your class.

Yeah a lot of really great things about tbc!

I mean just off the top of my head mages get spellsteal, invisibility, molten armor, icelance, and the table baseline.

So Five new spells, the rest are talents not a huge change overall.

BGs are very fun in tbc. I don’t hate classics pvp but it can be tilting af.

Classics pvp rank system doesn’t promote trying as it’s grind games not wins. If you try you have to burn gold to be competitive. Alliance short que times that’s a crap ton of time to just prep to pvp as lots of games = lots of consumes

Tbc pvp can be a grind at first as not having resilience and others are in full s2+ it can feel quite steep. But you don’t have to hit R12 you can slowly but surely get pieces

Mages can’t AoE massive packs anymore.

Hunters automatically switch between auto shot and auto attack and do better damage.

Non-healing druids, shamans, priests, and paladins get a lot of buffs.

Shamanistic Rage was added in BC, not Lava Lash. It gave mana regen and later damage reduction on a short cooldown. Really allowed shamans to dps without going oom quickly. Also got Unleashed Rage and Bloodlust which made them hugely desirable in group settings.

A developer, who yesterday posted to Twitter and reddit that blizzard will not add BC to classic wow. She said the only people falsely claiming that BC is imminent are players.