Class balance

Is it happening before 9.1.5 I see absolutely nothing for this toon or the rest of bottom feeders. Quit slacking and get on it since I was told in legion it was easier to do. When you can’t keep balance after 17 yrs even close pvp and pve wise I think you might consider turning that knob you have all expansion long.

BTW quit wrecking specs every expansion and just leaving them set to rot. Cause I might sit here all expansion talking fruit instead of leaving the forums in 9.2 to actually get real tier again.


It’s always the same specs on the bottom every tier - feral, enhance, ret, survival, mistweaver, etc. Blizzard really doesn’t care about attempting to balance the game


The only time I’ve ever seen Feral as OP was at the start of WoD, but that didn’t last long.

Feral is NOT at the bottom.

That ain’t the point either no one plays it that much when they wreck it when other melee are way better.

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It’s definitely near the bottom for mythic keystones, maybe not for raids or PVP though. Similar for Ret it’s very good in PVP but the worst spec in keystones. Enhance and Mistweaver seem to be just bad all around

Every spec should be good in all 3 pillars of the game (I guess minus tanks in pvp since Blizzard has deemed that illegal), and if the data shows them being seriously underpowered then they should get buffed in ways to address the aspect (raid, keystones, arena) that they’re bad in

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Try being a hunter main?

BM bottom of the charts.
MM near bottom.
SV ? What’s SV?

Didn’t know you were good at making jokes :rofl:

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Sv aoe tho. I just wish they would focus better on fixing balance and when they rework specs and it’s obvious fail they had some backup plan not well maybe next expansion. They need to hire more people. There is always people wanting new stuff like tinkers and stuff they really need the people to make stuff happen not just give up on specs all expac.

Not sure why you rolled enhance shammy. You knew that feral, survival, and enhance are always dogwater. But I agree that the entire games usual meta needs to change.

Hpal, Disc, Rshammy, Afflic, Spriest, and Fire all need to be hammered with nerfs and be destroyed for a little while. They have been meta for way too long.

Give Enhance, Ret, Feral, Survival, Resto Druid (yeah I know they used to be favored), Holy Priest, Windwalker, and Mistweaver those spots.

Edit: maybe not spriest since that’s priest only DPS option.

9.1.5 is only a few weeks away, highly doubt they do much balancing before then.

I mained enhance since forever horde and Alli side and I like it better than anything else? And what your explaining is what I’m complaining about. Fix the damn problem instead of letting stuff linger til wow is gone. And get the people to do it instead of few class devs while everyone on the forums is wanting new stuff to

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You will summon them…thanks alot. SV is viable crowd comes for you… If on your filter you remove most other dps lol. Looks its number 2 man.

So can we get the list that didn’t filter out warrior specs and other dps’ers.

Well SV is not a warrior!

Looking at most sims…yes I will agree with them. Warrior dps output is not SV hunter dps output.

9.1.5 no new raid right ?

It’s just a cosmetic patch

True, my point being that’s the soonest they would do class balancing if even then.

Well you can change covenants easier. Useful if like that small percentage who didn’t already make 4 chars to farm covenant specific rewards.

Well balancing used to go on in small patches why not now I know why overbloated systems with 2 or 3 class devs and 3 is being generous. I guess ions buddy in q&a should of kept his mouth shut in legion saying balancing will be easier we can turn a knob. Vent over have a good night all.

Class balance is decent right now in PvE. It’s not perfect but better than last tier.

That’s laughable when I have seen it way
way better .

The bigger problem in regard to DPS balancing is the inequality of utility between classes, ESPECIALLY in M+.

You’ve got classes which have a fantastic damage profile AND they have top-tier utility on that and then you’ve got classes who’ve got neither.