Class balance thread, HA

So, you’ll reply to a crazy “buff my class” thread, but completely ignore WG being bugged amongst other things being reported in the bug forums for months? Glad you’ve got your priorities straight Blizzard… :roll_eyes:

Oh no.
Another thread about Ret doing low dps and asking for balance.

It’s an interview full of changes. It’s not classic anymore. Classic was no changes. At this point they may as well add RDF.

I have no idea what they’re doing at this point. They just throwing crap at a board and seeing what sticks, I mean we’re basically getting scuffed mythic + at this point as well.

Dragonflight. Thats the reason.

The reason for what?

^ Their actions are because of DF.

What does dragonflight have to do with having ridiculous inexplicable priorities? Class balance in classic wouldn’t have anything to do with DF…

It actually does.

?? I’m asking you how, you keep saying “it does”… Can you explain, or you just grasping at straws?

I’ll be more clear, at a risk of catching a ban.

The neglect of Classic is directly related to the planned success of Dragonflight. The worse Classic is, the more people will migrate to DF.

If you dont think this is intentional… well, then… ill only leave you with this: Best of luck to you, friend.

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OH this. Yes I agree, but they’re cherry-picking with class balance instead of fixing bugs, I’m not sure why class balance is even a CONVERSATION since, it’s copy-paste from original. Mind boggling.

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All the rets that didn’t know what Google was at the char selection screen in wotlk astounds me.

I agree – add LFD/RDF to LKClassic

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