Class Balance is Terrible in High End M+

What is the easiest for you. The debate will never end as fights and raid responsibilities can change a lot and for certain persons one is easier for them. I have an easier time as a dps as I can just follow the boss most often.

Birds, don’t you know? Raid tanking is the hardest role, because tanks have to not die. It’s really like the peak of gameplay. Press the “don’t die” button to not die or else you die. WHOA! The stress and pressure is next level!

Stay madge and jelly of the supreme skill of the tank!


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Dont pug, make friends

Tanks have to learn fights way deeper than dps and execute them way more perfectly, having less of a role means more pressure to perform and are harder to replace as not having experience as a tank is really a big disatvantage. That’s how I see it, but it’s not true for everyone or every situations. It’s not black and white as you’re trying to make it sounds.

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Destro or SV.
:roll_eyes: You’re acting like there’s no choice!

Yeah I disagree. As far as I can tell, tanking seems to be the easiest. The only time you hear your tanks talk is when one of them screwed up lmao.

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Yea I mean you can disagree, but for me that just shows a lack of experience. Good tanks can change everything. You know that tank that moves out of your aoe or doesn’t do a perfect route? Tank gameplay is more than just buttons pushing like dps is often.

So here’s the thing. While I firmly believe that anything can time a 20-28, the higher you go the more you have to play what is best for your class and spec.

I don’t play prot warrior, but if necro is the play in harder content, there is a reason for it.

I’d check out some of Sense’s stuff. He’s an incredible prot warrior who tackles some pretty high keys and CE raiding!

Yeah but we were talking about raid.

You’re showing your bias here. You’re not about to sit here and tell us that tanking is the hardest role to be successful with lmao. Tanks are the strongest role and have been for a long *** time now.


I gave an example for M+ as it’s easiest for that M+ brain guy to understand.
For raids moving the bosses at the right time and right place can be as important depending of bosses.

I don’t have a bias, I’m not saying it’s the hardest all the time like you guys are trying. xd Being strong doesn’t mean being easy btw. With more powers come more responsibilities.

Have you even played a DPS during a Mythic raid boss? And actually done well with it?

Being able to rip a purple parse on a first kill / prog kill requires you to have an intimate knowledge of the encounter, planning ability/GCD usage around abilities that can interrupt your moments of burst. For a tank, you kind of just… don’t die. And then on a rekill you use different trinkets and spend more resources on rage dumpers towards DPS rather than defense.

Pulling big parses as a DPS is significantly harder than playing a tank. You’re just wrong buddy. Ask any top end raider in Limit or Method or whatever which role has a higher skill gap for a Rank 250 world guild or whatever and 99/100 will tell you that it is the DPS.

Tanking is only hard when you live in that razor thin margin where you can actually die at any time AND when every drop of DPS you can squeeze out actually matters. You only get that experience in like the first couple weeks of the raid or in high M+ keys.

He’s certainly trying to say that, lol.

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I did many times in the past parse purple or orange on first kills as a dps, the fact you can’t even look it up just show how strong your bias toward me is xd Dps can be really easy depending of fights, parsing orange or purple on prog is easier when you do kills early. I’m relaxing in a casual guild atm because I hate recent expansions so I only play a raid in a while.

It doesn’t, but you know deep down that tanking is no where near as hard as you’re making it out to be :joy: :joy: :joy:

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It’s not always hard, that’s not what I’m saying and you know it. You’re just arguing in bad faith.

This is all I can find on you for Mythic DPS parses playing that character. I don’t know what alts you play / if you’ve linked them on RIO so that’s really all I can base it off of.

Going further back doesn’t help much in that regard either -

It’s the hardest role Birds, come on bruh.

last time I played with a serious guild

also had some decent stuff in ToS

I still don’t see why I should have to prove stuff like that if you guys don’t anyway. And why it matters in this case much anyway. People can find different stuff hard, tank isn’t a complex role but at the high end it can still be hard and even harder for some specific situation than dps. It’s not egregious to say that, it’s pretty realist.

Because you’re claiming tanking is harder than DPS. That’s a bold as %%%% claim to make considering it bucks all known conventional wisdom, so you definitely need some sturdy ground to stand on if you’re going to stay something so absurd.

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In some specific situations, you can’t believe dps not moving at all on some fights just pushing their buttons when tanks have to do multiple mechanics, move the boss around, etc. that could kill them at each corners and instant wipe the raid that dps is harder during that time right? Is it so absurd that different situations and fights can change the difficulty of content for certain roles? For healers it can be the same, many fights are way more intense for healers than dps. It’s not because there’s a lot or some fights where healers aren’t important much that healing is always an easy role.

I’ll add to that, just think of it that way if there’s a mechanic you don’t have to do on a fight but gotta assign atleast 4 people to do it. If you’re one of the chose people that fight got harder for you.

As a whole, if you want I’ll admit that generally tanks are not harder to play than dps. But still the amount of preparation as a tank is way higher as far as my experience go and people will critic you way more as you’re way much visible than just one of the dps.

The solution is homogenization, and trust me, you don’t want that. Elsewise, we need to get used to having multiple classes.

He doesn’t have another choice if he wants to tank on his warrior though. As a BM hunter you can swap to one of the other two specs that are actually playable for M+.