Class armor on the trading post - meh

Just woke up, hopped over to the trading post, and have to say I’m thoroughly unimpressed by all three class sets. The DH set is basically pink, and it’s the best of the three. But it seems off from everything else that’s been DH. Feels more like a paladin set, honestly.

The druid set, don’t get me started. This basically feels like I went down to Uldum and got recruited by those folks. Color scheme (dark blue, gold, check), style, check. This feels literally nothing like what would resemble a druid’s attire. Ashamane was a panther, and last I checked, wore dark grey armor with light purple accents. Hey, maybe the DH gear was for the druids instead. Derp.

As for the DK, it might be interesting, if not for just feeling so… stiff, and then you have the flies buzzing around it. Ugh. WHY? Why flies buzzing around it? And why that style of helmet that looks just… bland, and robotic?

I really don’t understand the direction of the armor design team this expansion. There’s some hits, but SO MANY MISSES. And yes, I’m sure there are folks that probably like these items, but so much of it just MEH. I bought the paladin set, it was interesting, although not great, but I think I’ve skipped every other set so far. And I’ve got plenty of tender, enough to cover buying all of them. Which just makes it all the more sad.


They’re all bad. And not even full sets. Everything looks like plate.

I’m happy to save my Tender. Let others enjoy them if they’re so inclined. Can’t please everyone.


Just think of the DK set as the ultimate shut in who hasnt bathed in months and the belt is a hanging frozen… he ran out of tissue.

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I agree, if they are going to add class restricted items they should have an item for each class AND they should not take up a spot that could be for another item. IE, they should add more to the trade post :partying_face:

theyre a disappointment? why am i not surprised they look worse than in the previews



I know everyone’s tastes are different and I’m sure some people love them, but personally I find these class sets pretty bad. The druid set makes me think of titans and stormwind mashed together. Where are the dusky purples? The leaves? The shadow?

As for the DK one, the little bits of floating debris look like flies… or are those actual flies? If they are then I would have leaned heavier into the graveyard aesthetic in that case. Flies and ice don’t really mix. And the demon hunter set, I don’t know. It’s more like a mashup of arcane magic and earth elementalism than something a demon slayer empowered by fel would sport!

Of course sometimes it’s nice to have something different sometimes, but class specific sets shouldn’t stray so far from the source!

I like a lot of the other stuff this month though. Cool mount and fun halloween stuff!

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I only bought it cause I have the armor it goes with. The only reason. Horribly large shoulders on wuggin. Face is derp.

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I thought the Demon Hunter stuff looked really nice.

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idk if i should laugh or feel bad for the worgen druids using that helm lol

Flies because rot and decay. I like the concept personally. One of the unholy artifact appearances also has flies buzzing around it.

Still I’m not particularly sold on any of the sets this month. The DH and DK are just ok, but not worth the price. I think the druid one is awful.

I’d say there are far more hits than misses…

10.1 outdoor gear, Warrior season 2, DK season 2 and 3, Warlock season 2, Priest season 2, Paladin season 2, Druid season 2, 10.2 outdoor gear, Shaman season 3, tons of nice tabards, weapons are pretty clean too.

I’d say this is probably the best expansion for armor sets/weapons, only being beaten by Legion.

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I understood the reasoning behind the flies, it just didn’t feel right with the rest of the design of the set. Frozen things gather flies now? It’s not so much any of it is “terrible”, it just seems cobbled together from random themes and ideas? Octopus priests, for example. It’s almost like an AI went back through the themes and concepts of WoW and suggested the designs. Which I hate saying, because I would hope it was actual people that did it, but the reality is it doesn’t feel that way.

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Because you’re kinda,sorta dead?

Oddly, it’s not the aesthetic, so much as the lack of a complete armor set that bugs me… I can’t find ANY chest/pants/gloves/boots that match the color tone perfectly.


Perfect and needs to not be changed :imp:

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Could be part of a nice alliance PvP druid theme.

I think pretty much all the armor sets are meh. It’s especially annoying that there’s only three pieces instead of a whole set. I guess it was because they didn’t want it to seem unfair to the Drac’thyr players. The only ones I might get are Warrior, Shaman, and Warlock. Maybe.

Some of the weapons are kind of neat though. I especially want the Warrior’s 2-handed sword on an Forsaken.

This is the big issue I have with these “class” sets. 3/8 doesn’t make a full set, and I agree that they haven’t been made to match with anything existing. I might spend tendies on a complete look, but I’m not inclined to buy piecemeal. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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I’m worried as to what the monk 3-piece ‘set’ is gonna look like, lmfao.

All of them lately (for monks) have been kinda bad, same deal with hunter sets.

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It could be worse, they could of ended up as ugly as the hunter set :smiling_face:

Whoever designed that set should be ashamed, not a single bit of it screams hunter, it looks like some sort of left over armor meant for Taurens.