Class and Raid Tuning -- March 23

But what about Mistweavers?

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It is insane. Maybe they do not have enough data since so many people have quit en masse? Honestly, I am trying to give them a reason for doing so but anything I could come up with is ridiculous for a BILLION dollar company who had said they were hiring MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER right before the pandemic.

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Where are the ret nerfs

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They actually call this class tuning?


You do not have to nerf Ret. Ret always scales so poorly every expansion, just give it a second, it will work its way down to the bottom soon enough.


Iā€™m pretty sure there is more than enough data from players to balance everything. Heck our data is finding bugs in thiers.

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lol yeah I was being sarcastic. I know there is plenty. It is the fact that you can see the same reports week in and week out and nothing change.

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an irony thatā€™s played out in every tier since he stepped up in 7.1ā€¦at this point the comedy is better then george carlin in his prime


sad Priest noises

Thank you.

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For what? Selectively choosing what specs are and are not good? lol

The Hunter and Monk balance fixes are for what they screwed up when they fixed the bugs in 9.0.5 and didnā€™t rebalance their damage. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thanking them for, because it screwed over my WW Monk.

i was hoping for only one thing:

ā€œconvoke damage nerfed by 50% in pvpā€


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Good changes overall. Monk/Hunter changes obviously to prevent the recent bug fixes from nuking those specs into the gutter. The SLG changes are awesome though. Easily the worst fight Iā€™ve ever progressed on. Usually when a fight is nerfed while Iā€™m on it I feel pretty bad, but this is very welcome. Seriously awful fight.

Minus 1 point for class utility.

I think it should still give something. Even if its 20% of the mobs percentage given.

This is a light touch fix. I hope it helps but I just think Demo has way too many things that needs to be fixed on it. Please review the warlock forums.

F****** thank you! Thatā€™s a great start.

A little disappointed at the lack of Fire Mage buffs though. How can we have a patch without FM buffs?


I mean, trueā€¦ but WW is silently broken (let me not use the B word cause thatā€™s too much. But they are very, very good) and no one wants to talk about it.

Arms, Fire, Balance and Ret get the bad rep, meanwhile WWā€™s are at the top of almost all content doing disproportionate damage spikes with endless amount of CC, and now Fist of fury got buffed? LOL


Convoke is not bad. 4-5 CCā€™s in a single spec that donā€™t DR and more survivability than a Plate wearer on the other handā€¦


Theyā€™re middle of the packā€¦ what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Last updated March 19th has WW at rank 15 as B-tier.

All they did was fix what they broke when they fixed the bugs. These hotfixes arenā€™t meant to be some huge balancing patch for everyone.

Weā€™re rapidly approaching a ā€œweā€™d rather you not play demoā€ situation. The spec uses Battlemasterā€™s and wants Commanding Shout as a dps cooldown. A much-needed buff is a much-needed buff, but the state of Demo is nothing short of a meme.