Clasp of unity not available to alts although main already completed campaign?

Yet there is no vendor selling both…

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It’s definitely account wide, I learned Memory of Unity on my Monk and my Druid has access to it despite not having done the campaign.


The memory is account wide. They said the belt was from doing the campaign. If you don’t want to do that just skip and craft using the memory. On even a 190.


The waist piece is a unique-equipped Enlightened-legendary, not a unity legendary. Edit: meant to add not from the unity memory, which is the account-wide version.


The belt is a drop from completing the quest line in oribos . It is not bought and if it isn’t updated maybe the sources you are going with failed to update their information .

Memories are account bound the belt isn’t


I interpreted those two sentences to be independent of one another. The account-wide unlock refers to the ability to use a Unity Legendary.

The second sentence regarding the vendor, simply says that both of them can be found on the same vendor.


I think this is a case of the guide writer having incorrect info. I don’t remember seeing that anywhere else.

Ok it is acct wide, looked under the leggo’s i have listed it is on alts

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The belt used to be sold by the quartermaster.

He read a guide made quite some time ago before the content was released.


Actually it’s been fairly well publicized that the belt requires the quest line and the memory is gated behind rep (and account wide). The wowhead article you reference states the ABILITY to use both a covenant and non covenant legendary is gated behind the quest line. It doesn’t say that completing it on one character gives them all belts. The ABILITY to use both is an account wide unlock. By getting the memory and using it on all characters. It does not say the belt is an account wide unlock. I agree, it’s poorly worded. But several other sources since that time have clarified what to expect.

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Nothing about this expansion has been alt friendly contrary to what was said by Blizzard lol


While I get what you’re saying, and have so before in the past… it’s things like this that finally got me to quit retail.

I’m sorry, but I don’t care that the campaign is 4 chapters long, and I don’t care that I can get it done in 1-2 hours… It’s braindead content… It’s interesting the first time around as it’s new content, with a bit of new story to experience. Past that… it’s just tedium.

Add in that expansions nowadays tend to have multiple of these “it’s just 4 chapters for each alt” braindead pieces of content to just play the game… and you have what we like to call… an aggravating expansion.

Much as it pains me to say it, I’m with Taliesin and Asmongold on this. The only thing I want to do on alts in terms of power progression is level them, and gear them up. I’ll do all the grinds and song and dance once on the main, past that… it’s just mindless tedium that’s intentionally designed to waste my time. No thanks.


As an aside, I recommend burning through the campaign on fresh alts, anyway. It’s not nearly as painful or slow as completing the chains of domination campaign multiple times. You can get ilvl 246 trinkets (one is 242 for some reason), rings, and a neckpiece from finishing the previous week’s chapter and looting the sandpiles in the area you unlock doing that chapter. You need to obtain the keys from specfic treasures, but is great for fast gearing, as opposed to waiting for cyphers to stack.

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I did the campaign with an alter in just a few hours :slight_smile:

Just buy the legendary and memory and craft your 291 on alts. Or craft the legendary yourself. A little questing for a free legendary ain’t half bad.

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Were you under the mistaken impression that this is an alt-friendly expansion?

They think you’re wrong to want to play alts.


I would say make a jc or tailorer and craft your own rings/necklaces/capes for alts to use unity legendaries with. Send the 190s-225s to alts.

How to Unlock Double Legendary in Patch 9.2 - Unity Belt and Memory of Unity - Guides - Wowhead

Lol everywhere its been known that it was account wide on belt in fact i bought the belt for 2500 flux on ptr over a month ago for testing so yes it was supposed to be unlock with main available to buy for 2500 flux on alts from vito.

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Alt-friendly things I’ve personally experienced so far this patch:

  • Rapid unlock of cypher tiers after first unlock on main
  • Unity legendary memory account-wide unlock (characters can craft without even entering the zone, if they obtained cosmic flux via other means)
  • Immediate skip into the zone (without much loss in my opinion, despite the complaints)
  • Account-wide flying
  • 50% increase cypher acquisition item
  • Fast way to obtain a legendary belt with currency (that is thrown at you by playing) and doing 4 chapters of a quest chain
  • Lots of renown thrown at you in the campaign for catchup

Improvements that could be made:

  • Protoform synthesis could be account wide possibly, although some items are account bound, which is great
  • Rep acquisition acceleration for alts who have a main that reached revered like pandaria
  • Sandworn relic gear account-wide at a later date, possibly, to make it more useful

I’m sure there are a lot of others I haven’t listed here.

You’re also citing a source that looks to be out of date. It’s not blizzards fault that wowhead can’t be bothered to update all their system guides when the information changes.