Clarity please on Water Strider

If i have demon skin next xpac im just going to equip water walking and never look back and enjoy the fact i can have water walking floating dragons.

when they implement the mount equipment patch, your water strider will immediately lose water walking

at the same time, you can use the somewhat grindy gold sink mount equipment system to add 3 types of traversal to your mounts

water walking
no daze

if you obtained the water strider, and have the angler’s rep, there will be a free mount equipment token on the angler rep person (annoying travel for this one thing) that you use to add water walking back to your mounts, and then discounted tokens for water walking after that.

in general mount equipment will be made by crafters and is designed to cost around 1k per use

everyone is grumpy because bliz’s design skills suck so badly that they couldn’t leave the water strider and just add the mount system for everything else. We all gotta take a super annoying long trip to the angler rep person to get the stupid token.

If their idea is that easily invalidated, it’s a BAD idea.

I could maybe grudgingly concede the point if it allowed someone to use TWO benefits AT THE SAME TIME, ALL THE TIME.

But it wouldn’t do that. Besides, you can already have multiple benefits AT THE SAME TIME using consumables, so obviously that isn’t “The problem” that needs to be solved.

The only reason being able to freely choose between “Either A or B” is because it doesn’t continuously drain gold out of our pockets.

They can come up with a million other ways to solve that problem that imposes LESS arbitrary stupidness on us.


The problem is that devs don’t like how many people are choosing the strider. There are basically too many of them around. People cannot use the ground mount they want, but feel forced to use the strider for the obvious advantage it has over other ground mounts.

If they leave the strider alone, too many people will still use the strider as the smart thing to do would be to equip a different equipment slot item so you quickly choose between water walking and daze protection without consumables and without cost.

I wish they would leave the strider alone too… but if I am being honest with myself, the reason I want it left alone is so I can equip something else in the equipment slot so I can choose between no-daze and water-walking; not because I love the strider, because if that was the case I can easily install the free water-walking equipment they are going to give me, never change it and only ride my strider. It would be like nothing changed.

Well you are VERY different than most of the strider supporters on here.

  1. We want our striders left alone. NO additional slot for equipment.
  2. We are fine with everything else getting the ability to have WW or any other equipment.
  3. See #1. No change. No doubling up (even though my Blood DK will have everything)

Not even close to ‘exactly’.

Quoted from earlier, and Updated:

  • You can’t equip specific mounts. Mount equipment affects -all- mounts on a character (except Sky Golem / Lumber Extractor).

    • The slot is unlocked account-wide. Equipment from the MoP Anglers Vendor is BoA. You get one-free/extras-for-cheap if-and-only-if you have The Azure Water Strider from MoP.
    • If you only have the The Crimson Water Strider from your garrison, you get nothing. (Unless that’s changed recently on the PTR).
  • Water Walking Mount Equipment is NOT THE SAME as Water Striders.

    • Striders keep their water walking buff if you take FALLING damage. Water Walking Equipment’s buff is dispelled if you take even the slightest falling damage. You must remount to re-activate it.
    • Around 40% of our mounts can’t jump back on top of the water if you mount while swimming. They’re too big. More fail if you’re a bigger race like Tauren/Troll/Kul’Tiran/Draenei.
  • Anyone using Water Walking ‘equipment’ after 8.2 is going to be hating life:

    • Before Pathfinder2, we’ll to NEED ‘No-Daze’ equipment because new and old zones in 8.2 will daze/dismount the heck out of you way MORE than ever. Current daze/dismount protections like the Warlock [Demon Skin] talent have been nerfed hard.
    • After Pathfinder2, in new zones, non-tanks will NEED ‘no-daze’ because there’s flying mobs that will dismount you and cause you to fall. So you better stock up on gliders and or barding! And stay close to the ground if your glider is on cooldown! [ETA: to remove reference to ‘safe fall’ because it probably won’t help]
  • Bag slots are precious. Instead of having a mount we could use when we need water walking, we’ll now need to give up bag slots to carry potions of water walking from now on. Or more gliders. Likely both.

In a nutshell: The water walking mount equipment is next to useless and the worst choice going forward, everywhere, not just in Najzatar and Mechagon.

Blizzard has made it so that we will suffer if we refuse to give up water walking.


Until they prune the dk and shaman water walking skills and no classes are able to inherently water walk. Likewise with tanks and anti-daze, it could easily be removed, making anti-daze equipment necessary. What about On a Pale Horse? Yep, you get the picture.

Granted, Blizz has not yet stated they have any plans to remove these things. But given their penchant for pruning away useful and fun things, and their desire to slow everyone down through nerfing mounts, these ideas don’t seem all that far-fetched.

Oh I def agree it could / will happen.

I just got tired of hearing the same arguments against keeping the strider the same, despite many people saying the exact opposite.

People say “You want WW and an equipment slot” despite us constantly saying we just want the strider not to change and get no equipment slot.

People say “You just dont want others to have have WW” and we keep saying give the slot to everyone else, just dont change our strider.

People say “You are getting it back for free” despite us keep saying it will cost us and could be extremely for players like me who have changed mains and accounts under the same battlenet id.

Either people lack reading comprehension or they are deliberately being obtuse.


If you bought something from a store, and after you got it home someone showed up and, without asking, replaced your dozen eggs with a half dozen, but the box they came in was prettier … would you ever shop at that store again?

I wouldn’t.

Don’t excuse bad behavior.


Don’t count on it. Demon Skin doesn’t even protect me in existing zones on the PTR anymore.

going to cost a lot more than that given the materials needed - maybe 6 months in but at the start will more likely demand will outpace the supply so look at 50k or so.

It is not a win because I have no reassurance they will not take the slot away every xpac and make us re-earn it through time and content grinds.

Also, they have never fixed the current bug that the water strider just sinks mid way through running over water in every part of the content, or will not mount on the water when you run across it. Now that will happen with every mount.

That’s a feature… If you point your camera view too far down it goes into “dive” mode.

It also helps you escape falling damage on water if you have WW active. Something that anyone trying to use water walking equipment all the time would benefit from knowing, and few will probably ever learn it.

You can be running across water and it just sinks, no change in camera angle at all, no mob hitting you, no aggro, no nothing and it sinks. This has been happening for years and they refuse to fix it.

Weird, I’ve never had a problem with it doing that. =}

What the hell is so confusing?

No. It won’t be a waterwalking mount.

You can make it into a water walking mount by buying the water walking mount gear, that having the water strider gives you an incredibly steep discount on (40 gold per character vs 1000 gold per character if you don’t already have it).

You get the water walking mount equipment for 40 gold. The rest of us pay 1k.

None. They’re changing it because it’s devaluing literally every other land mount in the game. This isn’t complicated. The water strider is, basically, OP.

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I volunteer! I think the change is WONderful! I’m happy to ask for it!

Imagine! I don’t have to switch mounts to cross water, then switch back again anymore. I hate riding a giant bug, that twitches and makes sicko sounds. I like riding horses, or ostriches, or almost any other land mount better.

And what about the millions of new players each year? They no longer have to spend 2 weeks visiting Krasaring in Pandaria, just because that is the only place you can get a water-strider. That is a major QOL improvement.

Nobody in this thread has suggested that they shouldn’t add the mount equipment slot.

If they added the feature but exempted the striders like people are asking, you would still get everything you say you want.


Wish ,I had it before i did .In big bold letters.


This I would like to know why you said it devalues when it is earned as a value,is completely wrong maybe I’m seeing the meaning differently. And what do you mean it is over powered? is it used in pvp?

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