And your mount will still be able to to exactly what it’s doing now in 8.2.
Just via equippable item. And you even get a free one in the mail!
And your mount will still be able to to exactly what it’s doing now in 8.2.
Just via equippable item. And you even get a free one in the mail!
Again…INHERENT…ie I dont have to PAY PER CHARACTER for my lowbies to use the stupid thing.
They want to make it FREE to change gear…fine.
But that aint the way it works.
They want me to PAY for ALL of my characters…all 50+ or so below 100…to use something I DID THE WORK FOR.
sorry if you cant figure out why this is a problem
You get freebies in the mail on all your alts.
80% of MY characters are LOWER than 100.
Everythign Ive read said ONLY 100 an above get the gear mailed to them.
AND…when I make NEW characters? Im suppose to now PAY for WWing gear when I already did the work for the mounth with INHERENT WWing?
Sorry but this is flat out WRONG and it doesnt matter that you refuse to accept that fact.
stock up on the items on the character with the rep. You get them for dirt cheap.
Whenever you make an new character, send them to your new character when you send them gold like you would with any new character.
“dirt cheap”…ie 'PAYING for something I already worked for"
In the real world this crap would be a felony charge.
Its funny when people say all you gotta do is, when you had to do nothing before.
Its funny when people say its only a little gold, when it cost no gold before.
You bought the mount for several thousand gold after you already earned it then? Why is this an issue now.
And don’t compare a video game with virtual currency to real life.
This is blizzard’s game and they can do with it whatever the want. THIS is not a big deal. It’s really not. If you really don’t like it, then tell them with your wallet.
they THINK this is about the gold cost. Its not.
its about doing the AGREED UPON WORK, then having Ion and his wrecking crew TAKE that work away, then try to CHARGE me for it again.
I can fart and make hundreds of thousands of gold…that aint the point and these people know it.
Its about DOING THE WORK, then having it NEGATED.
sorry but MY REAL LIFE HOURS are invested in this game, friend…so YEAH…I WILL make ANY FLIPPIN comparison I feel to!
I did the GRIND and paid gold for a WWING MOUNT…that soon wont have WWing anymore so I have to BUY it for EVERY character below 100…which is 80% of my characters
Its cute how you think youre going to change my mind…and waste YOUR time trying.
NO…its not.
Clearly you dont have a CLUE how business works.
While I am SELLING a product that product BELONGS to the buyer.
You pay for server access. It’s their server. It’s their game. You don’t own it, you rent it.
If you’re so down with real life comparisons. It’s like renting a trailer, the owner can come down and make whatever changes they feel like whenever they want and you don’t get a say.
already did.
I closed one account and went from spending over $100 per month on this game to giving that money to ESO instead.
I pay for ONE account now and they dont see a single cent beyond that $15 while Ion is at the helm
There ya go.
So its not ‘their game’ any more than my RENTED home is the landlords.
I have rights as a BUYER…that includes NOT being ripped off
Your landlord can kick you out on a whim if you don’t sign a lease. And you didn’t sign a lease when you signed up for the game.
You dont know crap about renting either.
Most states PROTECT renters, friend. I know…Ive been dealing with this exact thing for 30 years or so.
Your landlord CANNOT just come in while you are under a lease and do anything he wants.
Nice try, but this doesnt excuse THEFT of MY time invested…sorry
its either hysterical or pathetic that your actually in here DEFENDING blizzard STEALING crap you worked for
and with that, we’re done here.
Your joke arguments are wasting MY time now.
You people are downright insane.
Have you taken a step back yet and realized that you are playing a video game? You are not owed anything for playing a game.