Clarity please on Water Strider

Well, only if you don’t take any damage from mobs, or falling, or anything else. With the way the water walking equipment works on the PTR, if you’re out in the world at all you’re going to have to dismount and remount when you hit water, because you took 1 point of damage hopping off a tree root and your water walking is broken.


So basically anyone who farmed for the water striders wasted their time then. I feel bad for the ones that grinded for it in MoP. What a kick in the balls. Makes me wonder if my Path of Frost and Shammies Waterwalking is next. They’ve removed abilities before and they’ll do it again.


You hit the nail on the head. Blizzard designed the strider mounts to be water walkers, with specific requirements to earn them. Fair enough, right?

Those of us who did the work to earn the mounts now get shafted. How would it feel to players if down the road, they arbitrarily decided allied races were “OP,” and they took them away from players who did the grind? Not good.

Exempt strider mounts from an equipment slot, just like the sky golem. It’s the only fair solution.


See there is already a system in place, for those too lazy to do the dailies and get the strider. They are called water walking potions. I don’t know which slaptards complained about the striders, but all this is, is sheer laziness on the part of a few to punish those of us that took the time to earn them.


Water striders can’t stride on water without foot floaties that any mount can use.

Boat mounts don’t float.

Mounts with wings can’t fly.

Makes sense right? Great immersion there Blizzard!


Kind of thinking about that If they did removed the ww ability and we start using the potion we’ll still come out on top,because with it we can use the bradle then what would they do,cry some more and make the potion or bradle obsolete.Now that would definitely be a problem.

All of this just makes me even more ticked that they’re taking my striders’ abilities away. One of these days I’m afraid it’ll be the straw that breaks this Tauren’s back.

I am a WoW fanatic. A dedicated casual player. If I’m thinking it’s possible for Blizz to push me out of this game, you know there’s something really going wrong here.


As am/was I, but it’s not so much the change alone.
It’s because the account-wide ability being removed can only be regained via gold. Per character.

It’s not just the waterstrider that’s making me think harder about how I spend my free time, but I definitely agree that making us pay gold for all our characters to get back what we already earned is beyond the pale.


Could be resolved with one of three possibilities.

Change the equipment to be mount specific account-wide.
Make the BoA Anglers rep version non-consumable, like the flightpath maps you can get from the war faction vendors.
Make the BoA anglers rep version a toy or heirloom.

Anyone without the Angler rep would either have to go and grind it, or they could buy or create a crafted version, just like the other mount trait items.


All great ideas, though I think making the equipment mount specific (whether or not it was account-wide) would be the most popular.

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Better yet:

Fix the water walking equipment problems with falling damage and mounting while swimming on larger mounts. And make angler rep WW equipment an heirloom.

Add the ability to unlock a second, (and possibly a third) mount equipment slot.

And don’t just hand them to us, make them rewards from an epic new quest line.

I could be happy using consumables as a crutch, for a while, as long as there’s reasonable hope that we won’t need to keep using them from now on.


This would be alright, but blizzard wouldn’t open the whole chain right away. There’d be a little reminder that the chain will continue in patch x.x like the war campaign.

True, but if it were, "one now, one available as soon as you finish the requirements, and a third ‘tbd/later’, I could live with it.

So you get what you want, but I am not allowed to keep what I want? You must be a blizzard employee that must agree with Ion on flying as well?

Why can’t the development team challenge that guy on the flying time gate and pathfinder?

It is 100% the fault of blizzard for over 6 years to make the water strider a good mount because they take away flying.

Give us flying at max level and there would never never be a problem with the water strider. Why is no one calling them on this and making them communicate to us about this issue?

The mount slot is a nice idea, although it should be mount specific not character wide.

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But since Blizzard’s true reason for introducing the equipment was to limit our movement, it’ll never happen.