Clarity please on Water Strider

I wouldn’t call it good game design to have just one mount that everyone uses for everything.

I don’t understand the mouthbreathing on this one.

Worst case scenario, the water strider can be equipped to do exactly what it’s always done. Plus, if you don’t like the look of the water strider, now you can use almost any mount you like to walk on water.

Isn’t this a win for the players?

And all they needed to do was NOT be lazy and make MORE WWing mounts instead of this pathetic joke system they came up with.
Seems simple enough.

Whats next? flying gear so yaks and mammoths can fly too?
The whole thing is becoming a joke.


yeah…WWing yaks and mammoths.
ugh. :roll_eyes:


Definition of irony.
Calling others mouth breathers yet admit they cant understand the argument.


I understand it, it’s just incredibly childish.

I can see it now

Blizzard: Makes more, easy to obtain, WW mounts

I definitely misread your post there.

Well, that may be for a minority of players, but this gear crap change is FAR more offensive than a new WWing mount here and there.
But that would require WORK on blizzards part…and they aint having any of that.

The problem with the “i put in hard work” argument is that, right now, getting exalted with the anglers takes no effort, and can be done in a few hours during timewalking (unless you already have all the timewarped badges you need, then it takes a minute).

And even so, you are still rewarded for having earned the water strider. You never have to buy the crafted WW shoes off the AH that are probably going to go for thousands. You can just buy them from the anglers for almost nothing.

Actually thats the exact opposite of what water strider proponents want.

Its more like:
Players: Please don’t change my water strider.

Blizzard: We’ll show you! We are gonna make MORE water walking mounts! muahahahahaha

Players: You are not changing my strider? Cool. Knock yourself out. I dont care what others get, just dont take away from what I already have.

Blizzard: This does not compute. This game is about limiting what others get. Its the one thing we are consistent on.


Thats just asinine.
So a ‘little’ work is ok to be stolen then :roll_eyes:
youre going to have to try harder, Im sorry to say.
I took the LONG path to get my striders on two accounts…I DONT CARE how quickly you managed to get yours


Only if:
You still have the character that earned the rep and not deleted them.
That character is still on an account you still pay for and play.

So if you have many alts and / or many accounts under 1 battlernet ID, your screwed.


yeah…that sounds more like it.
I couldnt care less if there were 1000 mounts that WW. I just think its petulant and slimy to steal my time invested.


If you make $20 per hour, your opportunity cost is approx $420. Not Little.
$20 per hour x 1 hour per day x 21 days.

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and there ya go.
I think Blizzard owes me some money.
I make between $80 and $150 an hour working on websites.
Where do I send the invoice?

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Are y’all really saying that blizzard owes you money for your time? Is this really the hill you wanna die on?

hey…youre the one going to the asinine extreme of trying to say I should be grateful for having them steal my time invested.


You still have the mount, don’t you? They’re not ripping the mount away from you, you’ve still got it.

yeah…not a very good try, friend.
I did that grind BECAUSE of the INHERENT WWing ability and you know it.
Theyre taking the ONE thing I did the work for from the mount.
Try harder next time.

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more excuses incoming