You’re so singularly and narrowly-focused on this that you’re coming across as a bit manic. Not nearly as manic as the guy above who replies to nearly every post of mine 3-4 separate times :, but still…
As to the question…the people who got the Ashes of A’lar when it was the only 310% flier probably consider it a nerf when Master Riding was introduced, but that’s not quite the same. We lost the old skill trees for the first time at the end of Cata, every big change has a “first time”, y’know. It causes grief…lord knows the tantrums that erupted over the skills tree…but eventually people adapt, as thy adapt to other changes.
“You never did it this way before so you can’t do it now” will never be a acceptable argument against something in WoW, sorry.
There is no “trying” here, chief, just simple statements of fact. Yes, this is a change. Yes, there really isn’t a precedent for a mount losing an ability (which can be easily replaced with an item). They’re still going forward with it, though, so, adapt or move on.
And we worked for the Strider for the SOLE PURPOSE of having the water walking.
This ‘crap happens’ joke argument of his is off the rails pathetic and irrelevant.
You dont take something THAT specific away from players who worked for it then try to RESELL it to them under different packaging.
Its almost as if Blizzard is TRYING to run this game into the red.
yeah…nice try…but we aint losing anything here.
We’re being stolen from then having what was stolen sold back to us PER character.
Not even remotely the same thing.
They never reduced the total number of characters per account from 50 to 1 either…so by your joke illogic it’d be ok to pull that kinda crap move on the player base too.
What does my, or anyone else’s, financial situation have to do with Blizzard creating yet another gold sink?
You’re really forgetting logic in your attempt to reduce your argument to irrelevant ad hominems.
If you check my profile you’ll see I have the brutosaur and pets worth a small fortune. I pay for anything my friends need and still have enough for 3 or 4 more big lizards. It’s not players with stashes like mine Blizzard is after. They’re looking for broke players with no financial sense who will use a credit card for anything they want in this game.
I don’t have to suffer personally from Blizzard’s greed to find it offensive.
That’s fine you aren’t. I said I am. We all have to set where our acceptance is. Your’s is at keeping water walking at no cost to you, mine is this, and trolls apparently at whatever Blizzard tells them. But please note I said “learn” not “buy”. In this case I would be okay with this one time “learn” it. As they said they would be sending all those with striders an equipment for free. If they send it to all your alts you would then “learn” that equipment for free. Only charge would possibly future alts.
I sympathise.
It’s easy to get carried away and start pouring money down the drain, not realising how much is being spent in the hopes of a future in the game that might not happen.
But, unlike many, you can analyse what’s happening and learn from it.
Well, to be fair, i spend a lot of money on my hobbies. Its not as if anyone at blizzard tricked me or anything…at least AT THE TIME of my purchases.
What they did though, was just like this strider thing…bait and switch.
You pay the $$$…or put the grinding time in…for what you want…then they just nerf the thing into pixie dust just to see if they can get you to quit, i think.
I dont mind spending tons of money on something, but I dont like being lied to, stolen from or misled. ALL of which apply in this case when the details are broken down.
Yeah…Im positive somewhere in the ToS theres some fine print that says “You agree to allow us to screw you over at any time”, but that doesnt mean anyone would have interpreted that as what Blizzard is and has been doing lately. We just assume it means small changes to classes, or nerfs that might be necessary for game balance.
i swear to god that, having played video games since the 1970s, that no one at the helm here has a shred of a clue how to make a video game worth playing.
its like someone hit the self destruct button and the deck is full of screaming passengers all bouncing off the walls and each other while trying to pretend theyre coding a game.