Clarity please on Water Strider

evidently not.
I take a break and come back and hes still here.
wondering how much time he has to actually play every day given his time investment in here trolling us all.

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This is how I interpret the post by Kaivax as well.

You are comparing apples to baseballs. The issue is that Blizzard KNEW that people would spend time to grind rep and money to get these specific mounts solely for this ability. If the water walking was such an issue they should have neutered it in Mist and made it so the water walking only worked in MoP zones. However, the have allowed us to use these in all zones for the better half of a decade, and introduced a 2nd one in the following expansion.

We know water walking isn’t the issue as they are giving us the floaty booties, and that in and of itself isn’t the issue. People complaining aren’t having issues with others now getting water walking through the equipment. The whole new mount equipment isn’t the issue. The issue is that they are removing a passive skill that a mount has, which that mount was specifically created to have to encourage people to grind reps and pay for, and making those who bought and grinded for it to have to rebuy it. This is why people are suggesting to make the strider like the golem. Keep the passive ability on the mount and keep it from benefiting from any other equipment added.


You can guess all you want, but like I said we all have to set our acceptance points. Bang’s is at a different point than my own (and yes, I have both striders, and use them a lot). This means what is the very minimum we are willing to accept. I am willing to accept a learn once and be able to swap between those I have learned without having to relearn/buy them (like glyphs use to be), and only if they are sending all my characters the floaty booties (and yes they can send to newly created characters – they use to do this when mounts and pets weren’t account wide). What I would prefer is that they treat the striders like they do the golem. Leave the passive trait intact and make it so it doesn’t benefit from the equipment slot.

Just because someone is willing to accept something at a different threshold that you doesn’t mean they also don’t want a better outcome of the situation.

This I am aware of. That statement is what I would accept as my lowest bid, and not what is. I was clarifying to Bang that I wasn’t talking about “buying” for all characters, but that each character was granted the floaty booties (i.e., not having to repay for what we have already paid for).

Mea culpa - I apparently clicked on the wrong post.
This was intended as a reply to the resident troll, not to you, sorry.

Reading what you replied to me, sorry, but you’re going to be disappointed.

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That’s why this change won’t bother him, I guess.

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No worries. :slight_smile:

I know, and I even set my standards low on this one. :frowning:

And we’re gonna keep complaining. So, right back atcha. Adapt or move on, because obviously you’re only encouraging us.

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Hes just here to put gas on the fire.
Blizzard really needs to ban that sort because all they do is make these situations worse and likely cause some players to just go ahead and quit…less $$$ to keep those precious servers turned on.

You mean like they went forward with removing flight?

No…I had 310 mount before you could buy 310…we were grandfathered in.

I knew the answer to this already, I just wanted to see the trolls reply. I believe there was about 6 mounts that granted 310 flying when cata launched. It’s been a few years though.

Yeah, would be kinda hard to chase secrets out in fatigue zones (like B’aal) without the ability to cross through the fatigue area before dying.

Or I suppose maybe just DK/Shaman should bother with those.

Its kinda hysterical that his argument is you have to prove some NEED in order to KEEP what you paid for.
What a joke.

No flying would give him more stuff to troll people about on the forums… he’d be as happy as a quill’boar in elek poodoo.

Except you don’t need to remain mounted to herb, and yet he’s okay with the golem keeping its passive ability.

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Amen Ooma…I am in same boat as you are …this won’t hurt me with funds…blizzard is driving lower income players to have to buy tokens and sell them for gold in the AH…I too have big Dino brought it the day BfA went live…I made my big amounts of Gold in WoD and Legion with the mission tables pumping out 30K or more a day on 14 max level toons. Its total BS they are removing WW from Mount that we worked weeks and weeks to get.

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How’s that portal restoration working out?

You mean like when they gave you a flying system arguably (judging by the amount of forum salt) worse? :sunglasses:

Jops is correct as of late many new secret finds involve being on water and getting there fast in last couple of expansions…Tarc your not seeing the whole picture really.