Clarity please on Water Strider

Clearly you didnt.
Being intentionally obtuse isnt helping your argument.

Why do you keep saying the same crap? I never said they were removing Water Walking. They’re removing the ability from the Strider so no one needs to go buy it who doesn’t have it.

This isn’t about water walking as a skill. Why are YOU so obtuse about this?

You need to distinguish someone championing a change vs someone who sees the why behind the change even though they may not agree with it. Subtlety is hard.

Wow…you really dont know the difference between an account wide mount that has nothing to do with individual expansions such as the Grand expedition yak…and expansion specifics like the garrison and artifact weapons.

Maybe you need to send someone else in here to do the arguing for you.

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And why are you being so obtuse about the fact that instead of being able to use my strider now on 40 lowbies, i’ll now have to BUY THE EQUIPMENT to do so ON EACH CHARACTER.

If the equipment is fREE for my alts, thats one thing. Problem averted.
If I have to pay ONE SINGLE GOLD for my lowbie alts to have water walking with the strider then Ive just been RIPPED OFF/STOLEN FROM.
This is the epitome…the definition of…bait and switch and theft.

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What??? The Gold Missions are equivalent to the Strider or other items acquired in Old x-pacs. If they left in the Gold Missions players would be required to keep up their Garrisons and Order Halls to compete.

The Yak is just a Gold sink that happens to be sold in one of the old zones. How can you not see the difference?

LMAO are you starting to froth at the mouth? You need to chillax.

You did the Rep for the Strider on ONE toon and have had the benefit of using it for 4 x-pacs on all your toons. The changes suck but you weren’t ripped off.

uh…gold missions as in Legion mission table?
Are you awake right now?
Its NOTHING like the account wide strider that ALL of my character can use no matter their level.

the Yak is LEVEL specific…or did you not notice that the foods and such only heal an MOP relevant amount of damage.
it IS MoP specific based on that detail and by your logic SHOULD have had its abilities removed.

sorry buy youre falling way short of proving whatever case youre trying to prove.

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Did you jump? :wink:
No…you all need to stop flinching over CAPS. that have nothing to do with anything but making sure you aint missing the POINT.

Okay then, the Grand Ice Mammoth’s ability to carry multiple players should be limited to Wrath? That requires exalted with Sons of Hodir.


Firstly I did the grind on TWO accounts.
Secondly, this is an asinine statement.
I did the grind for the rust and iron proto drakes too that all of my chracters can use.
I expect that you’d also defend if flight was stripped from those even though I did the work to get them.

yeah…i was ripped off if water walking is removed from the strider that existed WHEN I DID THE GRIND, and then Im told I can have water walking back for gold PER character.

He’ll just say that its different…somehow…because, you know…tossing down a $20 spot to buy a token to buy a Yak is somehow more meaningful than spending 10+ days GRINDING out dailies for a specific mount.

Of course, its absolutely absurd, but thats the argument.

Apparently its ok to steal crap from your player base if they only did the grind, but not if they just busted open their wallet.


This def not true and I don’t have the time to give you 1000 examples…but I could…trust me.

The name is different, I suppose…

To build a Sky Golem one had to first farm mobs in Pandaria to get the recipe, Schematic: Chief Engineer Jard’s Journal, to drop.

Then one had to obtain Ghost Iron and Trillium. One needed an alchemist to transmute each day for 30 days to turn 180 bars of trillium into the 30 Living Steel needed.

The engineer needed to spend 30 days making one Jard’s Peculiar Energy Source each day, using 300 Ghost Iron.

Well that’s how it used to be. Obviously for your argument to make sense, there is now a way to create Sky Golems without spending a month using Pandaren mats, skills and farmed recipes. Please enlighten us, how are they made now?


Consistent? Really?
You mean like the fact that the MoP portals didnt get removed for what…three expansions?
And AGAIN…they arent REMOVING water walking.
Good lord…how many times do we need to repeat this?
Youre NOT DEFENDING ITS REMOVAL because its not being removed!
You are defending my having to PAY PER CHARACTER to use an abiility I DID the grind for!

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So what you’re saying, is you’d need multiple characters farming MoP content to make a Sky Golem? Engineer and Alchemist, plus the associated gathering professions.
Sounds like under Zootzoot’s theory of faming old content that mount needs to be nerfed, stat. We can’t have people playing in old content.


Doing the fishing dailies was easy compared with all the mining for those mats, and they were only the start of it.

I hope Zootzoot isn’t into using herbs. How sad if his golem was nerfed and he had to go cold turkey, not having them so readily available any more.

I only care when Im personally affected.

That’s not how things work, Bernie Sanders. Goods in an economy, virtual or otherwise, have value.

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Which they could easily solve by ADDING water walking to other mounts, rather than removing it from the strider. Or by adding a current-content water walking elixir, or a 2-hour consumable for water walking like the ones for anti-daze. Or by simply implementing the water walking equipment, and exempting the strider from the equipment slot.

So, no, the issue isn’t “how we get the strider”, because there are a number of options that don’t require those of us who own a strider to lose functionality on the mount we purchased.