And as a bonus “upgrade”, you won’t be able to use Stonehide Leather Barding - because you’ll only be able to have one active piece of mount gear active at a time!
Upgrade… LOLZ
And as a bonus “upgrade”, you won’t be able to use Stonehide Leather Barding - because you’ll only be able to have one active piece of mount gear active at a time!
Upgrade… LOLZ
I’ve said numerous times that I don’t care if it’s one copper.
It’s a downgrade.
yeah…I like his joke comparison of mounts to artifact weapons.
Really telling that he even wasted forum space making such an absurd connection between something that is EXPANSION DEPENDENT and something that ISNT.
By his nonsense I guess the Expedition Yak shouldnt have transmog or a merchant now that MoP ended.
We pay for…or grind…for our mounts BECAUSE of what they are or what they do.
Blizzard has no business STEALING what we have WORKED for!
And since they keep pulling this kind of crap, they can stuff this game.
When Ion no longer works for this company I might come look at it again.
Till then I’ll be over at ESO NOT being annoyed every Tuesday morning.
Well I know that. I’m not arguing that point at all. I just didn’t want people getting bent out of shape over a price we don’t actually know yet.
Please, by all means, continue to be bent out of shape over the entire concept. Lord knows I am, too. We are actually on the same page there.
They’re leaving the sky golem alone because it is a profession-crafted mount; the hissy fits we’re seeing over the WW would likely pale in comparison if they gutted that and crashed the seller’s market. It’s herb-picking ability is also not being replicated in the new system, while the WW is.
You didn’t play then, and no, it wasn’t on your old account. Don’t talk about things you didn’t experience.
That’s better. It would be nice if people would delay the pitchforks and torches until a more complete picture of the system emerges, hell it’s not even on the PTR yet.
There are certain incorrigible types in GD…1 in this very thread…who would find fault if Ion gave him a million gold and free mounts every week.
And you would not find fault with that?
That says a lot about you.
yeah…like those hissy fits over losing master loot and portals that were used every day.
When the game finally goes bust, it’ll be on those of you who kept white washing its downfall.
yeah…lets all wait UNTIL AFTER its gone live and far less likely to be reversed instead of expressing our disgust with the pointless changes BEFORE they actually become changes.
Lets let entire civilizations come crashing down because we dont oppose BAD changes to law and policy BEFORE they are IMPLEMENTED.
The time to scream about BAD ideas is BEFORE they affect anyone.
yeah…I had a boss around 2001 who allowed one employee to really screw him and his company over. This clown would take 2-3 hour lunches knowing we were all on salary and NO ONE could go home at night until ALL of the work was done.
When I expressed some irritation about not being able to leave till midnight half the time, partially because this joker would take long lunches, then shut his equipment down and take a break 15 times a day, instead of CORRECTING what was wrong with the situation by firing this dope or at least telling him to WORK and not take breaks and long lunches, my boss instead slipped me a paper with a huge raise on it.
I slid it back to him, declined the raise and told him this wasnt about the money, this is about MY TIME!
Sound familiar to your joke above?
Sure it does.
The price needs to be ZERO…otherwise Im paying for something I did the grind for on two accounts.
Bait and switch. Theft.
And the problem with the knights here is that blizzard continually pulls this crap and they keep trolling these threads acting as if we should just keep forking over our sub $$$ no matter what new irritating trash blizzard spews up this month.
And dont say a word about it while its still on the blackboard or on the PTR according to these jokers. No…wait until its gone live and far less likely to be reversed. Where is that CoT portal they said they were replacing? There yet?
Id hate to live in any country where they were the voting majority.
The entire government would crumble over allowing BAD ideas to become law and policy instead of stopping it dead in its tracks BEFORE it was passed.
Voicing our desire for the strider to keep its ability and be exempt from equipment or making it free is absolutely necessary, I agree. Though I don’t believe arguing for free is going to fix the problem when they decide to trash this system and we have a useless water strider.
What I don’t want is for people to fixate on a single price and forget the main issues. That’s all.
Theyre pulling something overly annoying every month at this point.
Maybe this whole thing needs to crash and burn to teach them a lesson in how NOT to tick off paying customers over and over again.
Cant figure it out.
ESO doesnt have flight or water walking as far as I can tell…and yet somehow it manages to NOT annoy me on a daily basis.
Because it’s not something that was a part of the game for years and years and then taken away for no good reason.
Blizz is trying to move backwards instead of forward. It’s annoying. And stupid.
How would you know, oh let me guess you looked at my profile and determined I wasn’t playing in vanilla. How small minded. I do know what I am talking about.
Of damn it’s sunday already
Trolling a thread on a topic that you admit doesnt affect your game IS “toxic”.
Blizzard creates new game with real-world elements, such as swimming is slower than running on the land.
Blizzard creates items that adds fantasy elements, such as water walking elixirs, allowing players to run on water.
Blizzard creates more real-world elements, such as bug NPC’s that utilize the surface tension of water to stay afloat and walk on its surface.
Blizzard sees opportunity to enhance the fantasy elements of the game and opens the ability to earn a mount that resembles the bug NPC and walk on water.
Blizzard creates new zones with water everywhere, then proceeds to lose their mind that people use 1 of 2 mounts to walk on water.
Blizzard now thinks it needs to overhaul their mount system because the Strider is used too much.
Now I’m not against the changes in concept, but at a minimum I should not have to pay, and repay for something already earned. Discounted equipment is not an answer, period.
Blizzard now thinks it needs to overhaul their mount system because the Strider is used too much.
makes no sense to me. Who cares…or what sane person SHOULD care…if those of us who did the grind for the strider actually use it?
I worked for my striders…and now that work is being demeaned by making it so anyone with any mount can have the same ability.
So why did I waste my time?
They just ripped away anything that was unique about the strider.
Its it peculiar that some of the same voices screaming about dumbing down the game…making all classes copies of each other for all intents and purposes…are now in here defending making all mounts have SAME ability to walk on water.
Whats next? Flying Tundra Mammoths / Expedition yaks?
Now I’m not against the changes in concept, but at a minimum I should not have to pay, and repay for something already earned.
Don’t we do this with every new expansion? I find it annoying and anti-RPG but that’s Blizzard’s MO since TBC isn’t it?
I put hours of time into my Garrison to make it Gold making factory and then that was removed.
I put hours into my Artifact Weapon to max it out and that was removed.
Avianna’s Feather doesn’t work outside of Draenor.
Portals in Dalaran, Shrine, etc removed.
To me it’s not shocking that Blizzard is doing this it’s shocking the Strider worked outside of MoP zones at all.