Clarifying the Process for Unlocking Mechagnomes

Update us Please Blizzard…



Name: Kelsey Steelspark
Height: 2’7"
Appearance: Pink hair, pale skin
Clothing: Usually wearing black armor and red goggles
Last seen: Fountain in Boralus

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Kelsey, please contact the Azeroth Center for Missing or Exploited NPCs.


she just popped up for me after doing a few dailies on the island.

Kelsey wasn’t showing up for me either. I flew to Proudmore keep where I knew the next quest was, flew back to the fountain and suddenly there she was. This is on an alliance character that only did the intro quests for Mechagon. I unlocked everything else on horde. I don’t think I did anything special either.

did you happen to hit revered or exalted after those dailies or no?

just popped up for me!

nope, just the silly pirate daily then flew back to boralus and there she was. no big change in rep or nothing.

—Do the Heroic Mechagnome dungeon on your Alliance character! I did this and killed all bosses and now can see Kelsey!!! I couldn’t before because my achievements were done on a Horde character.

Nvm apparently other people started to see her too.

Unrelated but I tried to stalk your armory which is hidden… Is that an xmogged plate eye patch?:scream: If so from where?!

Or is it just a piece you are wearing fro a different type of armor for lolz?

Here, look at mine.

We are doing a hotfix to resolve this issue. I believe Kelsey should appear there now (or at least will be there soon).


I have the same problem and created a topic with details about the problem.
The text is in Portuguese.

Now the NPC is appearing correctly.

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Any fix for Prince Erazmin being in Mechagon City and people unable to turn in paragon chests or rank 4 vision of perfection?

“Urgent Care” from Aysa Cloudsinger

Not offered to me, I have completed this questline on the character looking. No quest offered. Aysa not offering the quest, or is it supposed o be Kelsey now?

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okay, sweet.

you guys patched it

Got it all done…

And now, I present Murgadroid, my new Hunter:


We are actively investigating this, thanks for the callout :slight_smile:


Just as an addendum, it’s showing progression sprockets as a loot reward from king mechagon on heroic. I ran a heroic run yesterday and it didn’t drop. Is it a chance to drop on heroic or is it a bug with dungeon journal?

Also, can we loot (assuming it isn’t a bug) a progression sprocket from heroic and get one on mythic or is it still using the one/two per week lockout?

Edit: Heroic not Mythic

It has been fixed. Thank you Blizz and Bornakk :slight_smile:

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