Clarifying the Process for Unlocking Mechagnomes

Lemme guess “Oh wait, you need to do this other thing too!” hehehe.

No one has to grind rep “again.” We all have to grind Rustbolt to Exalted. It doesn’t matter if you do it on an Alliance or Horde toon.

Thanks Kaivax! This was everything i needed to know.

He’s right though. I’ve done basically everything on my alliance character, but I have to grind voldunai rep for weeks to unlock vulpera. Horde players can instantly make a mechagnome alt.


Like many other have pointed out in this thread, I can’t see Kelsey Steelspark in Boralus.

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Can’t find Kelsey at the fountain in boralus.

And if we want Dark Iron was have to grind 7th Legion. If we want Kul Titan, we have to grind Proudmoore Admiralty.

7th legion is the easiest bfa rep to grind… I did every voldun WQ today and got half a bar… and nobody wants kul tiran, it’s got to be the least popular race.

I’m just saying, there are races you can do on any toon, and races that need a certain faction locked rep. It just happens that one of those is Horde this time.

I see no change in these requirements lol. It’s always been exalted with rustbolt and having to have the story achievements done, and then you just do the quest to unlock mechagnomes. Ez pz lemon squeezy.

Blizzard and Blizzard’s Horde Shampoo (no more tears!)

Imagine being this smug because you don’t understand how neutral factions work.


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“Unlocked Mechagon” in what respect? My Alliance player has competed all the non-repeatable quests up to Friendly status with them. There is nothing more for me to do there with my Alliance character at the moment other than repeatable quests. I’ve completed both achievements on my main Horde character. Kelsey is still not by the fountain.
My Alliance Hunter:
Mechagon Questline
Harnessing the Power - Complete
A Worthy Ally - Complete
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(55736)) gave an answer of TRUE
for the “Welcome To The Resistance” quest
My Horde Mage:
The Mechagonian Threat - Complete
Reputation: Rustbolt Resistance - Exalted|100.0%|

There’s a bug after picking up the quest Urgent Care, Kelsey Steelspark is missing


So the lock-out is only for the day? I did the same darn thing and did the heroic O: M - Junkyard. If I had KNOWN…


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Kelsey is not at the fountain for me either, can we get an update on a fix for this?

Seriously F off. Anything that can possibly get more horde to play alliance is welcome at this point.

Honestly tho… are there any other players besides horde players left? Also… not sure why anyone wants rusty diaper gnomes… I get it if you’re not a fellow transmog enthusiast but, well, even then…

Horde have Vulpera!

Just to clarify i have the required rep and achievement. Just tried on my alliance main who has mechagon unlocked and everything done with the exception of the king mechagon kill. Tried again on a hunter that has never been to mechagon, followed the steps provided and still no Kelsey Steelspark at Boralus Harbor. Either definitely a bug or i need to just grit my teeth and regrind the rep out on my alliance main and do the kill on him. Either way doesn’t look like working as intended.

Problems for horde, fixed immediately, problems for alliance, not even addressed.

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