Clarification for 1 with 2 accounts

I’m not sure if the rules have changed, so forgive me. I have had multiple accounts under the same; however, I remember being able to let my child play on one computer and me on another. Is this no longer a thing with 2 computers? I can have multiple accounts running on a single computer but not 2.

ie. has Wow1, Wow2, Wow3. I can open up wow1, wow2, wow3 on the same computer. However, I can’t go to “computer 2” and log into and run Wow2 while “computer 1” is logged onto Wow1.

Below is a blue post that is confusing me, so I’m assuming it has changed from running from 2 computers?

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You can only be logged into a single account at the same time, so if you attempt to log into your account on computer 2, it should kick you out of the account, but not any WoW license you are logged into (unless it’s the same one).

You will be able to load WoW#1 on one computer and WoW#2 or 3 on the second. I’d recommend logging into the computer that you want to keep access to the account and Bnet friend’s list second.

Also, if this is a license that only your child is going to play I highly recommend moving the license to their own account (or one in your name if they are under 13). It just makes account management easier and allows you to set parental controls.

Note: If a license is moved from one to another, any account bound items like mounts, toys, heirlooms, etc… will remain with the source account. However, once moved it allows your child to build their own collection.

If that is the route you want to take our support staff can help if you open a ticket. I hope that helps.


I suppose this is the point that is confusing me. So if Computer 1 is running Wow1, how do I run Wow2 on computer 2 without kicking computer 1 with wow1 offline?

This is what I was hoping for to give the kid all my stuff but able to play together. So they lose all of that? I might as well just buy another account to avoid the confusion.

If you can let me know what I’m doing wrong if I can run both on 2 different computers.

*** Ok, I understand now. If I can play Wow1 account, but disconnected to, not the game. That is what I was confused about.

Is it frowned upon that I have the kid playing the other account? I just want clarification why you would suggest having a different account. Thank you for your time btw.

If you already have WoW#1 loaded on Computer 1, you can log into your account on Computer 2. It will disconnect you from, but it won’t from WoW.

Yes, the license that moves doesn’t keep any of the account bound items on the source account. They’d be able to keep any of their characters though and the progress that they made.

Buying another account would work too. I wasn’t sure if the account your child uses was exclusive to them, or you use it to.

No, it’s actually preferred. Under our policies you can allow one minor, that you are the parent or legal guardian of, access to your account, but having their own makes it a good deal easier all around so that you can control access, chat and purchase restrictions for them without restricting yourself.

If they are under 13 the account should be registered in a parent’s/legal guardian’s name, if they are over 13 but under 18, they should have it in their name with parental controls.

Let me know if you have any other questions, or if I didn’t explain something well enough. :slight_smile: