I placed a crafting order to the public, a person claimed it to craft and logged off before finishing it. I am not able to cancel it. I am not able to whisper the person.
I should be able to cancel it when the crafter who claimed it logged off.
The claim should cancel when they log off.
Im not realy sure what can be done this is a very odd situation Its possible it could fall under a scam.
This isn’t an area that collects feedback. This would be most suited to the Professions forum under the Gameplay category, where the devs would see it. Alternatively, if you think it is a bug, the Bug Reports forum next door. You could email Hacks@blizzard.com if you believe that there is a scam or otherwise reportable actions here as well. It should just expire after 30 minutes, though, you can’t claim them for longer, probably for this reason.
It’s been 43 minutes since you started the thread, but claimed work orders must be completed within 30 minutes. Fairly certain that’s in real-time, have they not been returned yet?
Should be 30 minutes yup, I hope you didn’t need that order within that time 
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I went to bed since it was late. The order was completed by another person.
I put in a ticket under “scam” before heading to bed, but the representative said nothing could be done. I am not sure if they cancelled the person’s claim or if it timed out.
Please keep in mind that there may not have been anything the crafter could have done. Disconnects, power outages, or real life emergencies could definitely happen in a split second and cause the user to not be able to fulfill the order. That’s why there is a 30m timer and not an instant cancellation of the order if the user goes offline.
I’m glad you were able to get it recrafted without further hassle and hopefully the next time goes smooth as well!
There’s really no way to scam someone through the crafting system. That’s a core function of the Crafting Order system. You don’t have to trade your mats to someone, hoping they won’t run away.
Accepting a Crafting Order has a 30-minute timer. Once the 30 minutes is up, your order goes back to being available for the next crafter. That’s why it was completed by someone else.