Claificiation regarding the official Oct 2024 Trading Post announcement

Can someone from the developer team please clarify this in greater detail?

Does this also include the Mists of Pandaria Remix class sets as well?

20th Anniversary and November’s Trading Post

Mind your Tender— with the upcoming November Trading Post we’ll be bringing back last year’s armor sets and transmog weapon sets. Each armor set comes with three pieces: helm, shoulder, and belt, and each weapon set comes with 3 weapons.

Class Restrictions Lifted

Players will now be able to purchase these items with any class character to add to your transmog collection and any class that can wear or use that item transmog can. So, if you have a mail user, they will be able to wear any mail armor set transmog and if your class can use one-hand maces, you’ll be able to use any of the mace transmogs, etc.

What this is referencing is the mini class-sets that the Trading Post sold last year. Not full class tier sets. So no, what the article talks about will not extend to the Remix sets becoming available - UNLESS it is something the Dev team plans to address at another point in the future. Which no one will know about until the Devs make that announcement.


What the OP (and myself asked in the actual thread released) was if this would apply to the recoloured Trading Post Mog sets. There was a recolored set of these released during MoP Remix.

But it is unlikely a Blue here will know anymore than we do. We will likely just have to wait and see.

Bottom of this article lists the recolored sets in question.


Ah ha, gottcha. My apologies. I was just focused in on the sets they started putting out last year.