Ciao, Aufwidesl, Goodbye

Ny 6 month sub expires in a couple of hours. As a returning player I enjoyed playing Legion last year but was unhappy with Shadowlands. Prior to returning WoW was an RPG experience for me with cool appearances, mounts, gold farming, and hanging out in social guilds. That world is gone now and I cannot get excited by the e-sports direction of the game. At this point I really do wish the game devs the very best of luck in their future endeavours. Perhaps if the game becomes more casual friendly and just fun I might come back. Looking forward to being blown away with 10.0. Thanks.

It’s been real. It WAS fun. But for now its not real fun.


Take care. Have fun in the real world.

Stretches feet in the air and wiggles toes

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can i have your ear


Just another wonderful art designer leaving.

Can I have your ham steak?

Wiggles toes

Nice farewell and see you later. That ticking clock freaked me out and I resubbed. I’ve poked in and tried a couple times…but it’s that “fun” factor…

Happy trails out there, have fun and see you for 10.0 - hopefully. :butterfly:

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sets out a tray of cheese and crackers

Let’s have a good send off.

Wiggles toes

If your a looking for a game to kill some time, I thought Ghost of Tsushima was a masterpiece!!

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At this point. I’m waiting for the cheap price. I hear it’s fantastic.

Most played Battle for Azeroth last year.

All the best. Take care!

OP good luck.

Also may I have your strawberry jam?


Best of luck to you!

Yea, every time I see a post like this I get sad. So many more don’t even say goodbye. They just leave. This game’s casual scene is so neglected. What’s even more disheartening is the Blizz-White-Knight-Forum-Andys saying good bye in a hostile or troll manner. They have their blinders on to how unpopulated the realms are getting and how few people are actually left. Even on Illidan, one of the most populated realms in WoW, the server feels so much less filled. Don’t get me started on Alliance. I can barely tolerate doing my alts there, because that faction is toast.

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Dances and wiggles toes

You are quite mistaken.

I enjoy playing the game. I dont have time for all the things I want to do. Other people are not enjoying the game and don’t like doing stuff in game. So they stop playing.

It isn’t about “blinders”. It is what it is.

Do you suggest we track down everyone who makes a “Goodbye” thread, and force them to play? What exactly would you have us do, other than say:

“If you dont enjoy your self, move on.”

This game is almost 20 years old. It has been around longer than some marriages. Longer than some of its players have even been alive. I don’t expect the game to maintain 100% of its subscribers over 20 years.

Aufwidesl? Is that the name of some player?

Or did you mean the German goodbye expression “auf Wiedersehen”?

We’re at the end of the patch cycle, come again in 9.1.5.

I’ll see you in Final Fantasy XIV

Oh… wait… this was a necroed thread… WHY?!