Ciao, Aufwidesl, Goodbye

Don’t get your hopes up you might not like all the new systems.

I used to watch this episode of Bugs Bunny when I a kid! : D

“A ship!? o.O… A SHIP!!! : D”


“… we’re gonna have roast raaabbit! We’re gonna have roast raaabbit!..”

bugs bunny chimes in: “… We’re gonna have roast raaabbit! We’re gonna have roast-…” {looks at the camera when it dawns on him… o.o}


: 3

:rabbit: :rabbit2: :sailboat: :canoe: :ferry: :beach_umbrella: :desert: :desert_island:

Actually, what needs to happen is for Blizzard to look at their game and their playerbase critically to find out what is causing so many players to leave and change those things.

Those things are called “quit moments”. The MMO with the fewest quit moments is the most successful. Too many quit moments and your game will suffer. New players will disproportionately quit before they reach max level.