Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

He and I share a lot of the same opinions where Classic is concerned but he just hijacked Knet’s telling of his servers wpvp scene and its relationship with the chronoboon so we can put the emphasis on something else.

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Give chronoboon to players on pve servers, keep them out of PvP servers, just make the wbuffs non dispellable. That way the care Bears who don’t actually want to PvP can feel better rolling on a pve server. The world PvP stays on PvP servers, the BRM wars on raid night to get into raid were some of the funnest aspects of the game. With chronoboons that is basically eliminated. Noones going to hold out opposite faction guilds without knowing they’re killing their world buffs.


If there must be a compromise and confining the chronoboon to PVE servers is not acceptable then I could go with your proposal.

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Yes, this game is primarily focused on PvE content. That should be self-evident.

Neither of those things award honor or HKs. Battlegrounds do.

This has been my stance the entire time. The inconvenient truth is that the means for earning PvP rewards are two vying systems: wPvP and BGs. I’m not calling one better than the other. The two are simply filling the same niche.

At no point have I suggested this.

I don’t have any bone to pick with BGs. I’m stating why things are the way they are.

Yes DB, if there were no BGs and world pvp was the only option then you would see more people doing wpvp. Cuz they would have no other choice.

Thanks for letting us know.

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If you read the original post from when chronoboons were added, PvP wasn’t even mentioned as a reason. PvP is irrelevant.

The reason chronoboons were added was because world buffs incentivized people to get their buffs, then log out for potentially days/weeks at a time and NOT play the game. That’s terrible game design. You want to incentivize people to play the game, not the opposite.

No one in this thread can come up with a better solution to that problem than the chronoboon.

Pvp isn’t irrelevant. Your 0 kt parse and low 70s are irrelevant.

Nobody is listening to an oranthul player

You having a bad day, Lazarak?

You should probably pay for a therapist instead of a WoW subscription.

Doesn’t change the fact that you parse low 70s and 0 kt.

You were replaced.

I walked him, and now you, through the immediate cause/effect chain of events that objectively demonstrate BGs act as a disincentive for wPvP participation. Your interpretation is that this is being done with malice but the reality is it’s a casual observation.

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My horde guild disbanded after killing C’thun in SoM due to lack of players to recruit. I came back months later for one Naxx to help a friend get his Atiesh splinters… then voluntarily sat out for Sapph/KT because 1) those bosses don’t drop splinters, and 2) I didn’t farm any frost resist gear.

“Replaced” from a guild I wasn’t in!

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try doesn’t necessarily confer permanency

we can certainly express dissatisfaction and lobby for change


I think he has some good insight and you constantly bringing up his parses/ranking/whatever (like it matters) paints you as a stereotypical salty angry naïve classic andy. Ironically it’s you nobody will actually listen to, outside of your bubble.

Despitebeing is right. With battlegrounds introduced it became optimal to afk in the city until your queue pops, much like retail. Remember the phase when the honor system was introduced before bgs were out? Brawls in every zone, on every boat, the world was alive and dangerous. I would like to see world pvp incentivized more in a classic+ but that’s another topic, and likely a pipedream~


To what end?

The thread wasn’t about wpvp or the lack thereof. It was seeking chronoboon feedback.

Knetik obliged and posted how the chronoboon impacted wpvp on his server and you thought that was a great time to derail the thread and make it about wpvp - all while marginalizing someone’s very valid stance on the topic at hand. They even tried to reason with you but you weren’t having it.

I can only guess the reason why but whatever it is, it wasnt a good one.

Also, I dont need anyone to walk me through the cause and effect chain regarding bgs and wpvp participation. BGs are more popular for reasons that are so obvious it hardly warrants a discussion nor are they particularly relevant to the thread.

I dont think it was done with pure malice but you really wanted to drive the point home for some reason. I just fail to see the point. The impact BGs have on wpvp has got nothing to do with chronoboons impact on Knet’s pvp server. Why you would try to blame BGs for his particular situation makes no sense.

His post:

My post:

You’ll notice he first opened the discussion to broad generalizations of “world pvp on pvp servers.” My response simply followed that same topic.

Well if you want to cherry pick like that you can miss out on the context that was provided to you in the very next sentence.

What cherry picking? His leads with how he thinks the boon ruined/killed wpvp on pvp servers. He gives his anecdote, and ends the post in the same manner. Further in the discussion, he references how BGs gave his server no issues, to which I replied:

His claim is that the boon ruined wpvp. Mine is that the true culprit is BGs.

Actually I said A LOT more than that.

Your response is to a response to someone claiming I am responsible for derailing a thread. I’ve remained on-topic.

Thats not what he said. He said it ruined the wpvp that was being driven by WBs (or more accurately the desire to not lose them/the desire to take them away).

You came in and told him it was BGs that did it.

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