Chronicles Part 8

Today I woke up and went back to Arathi. It was less eventful than last time but still had some new things. I went to the shattered Horde base and beat up a ghost. Do ghosts not use toothbrushes? Because their breath was absolutely awful. It smelled like that one time I accidentally stabbed a blood elf with a poisoned stick and the poison took effect. Yuck that was gross.

I then saw this giant pillar of flame to the southeast. I flew over there, and with the help of some other peeps, I took it out. I was just starting to leave when a bunch of fire elementals surrounded me and started hitting me. I told them to stop but they kept doing it! I gave them everything I had, mushrooms, leaves, thorns, mini moons and suns, and they still kept hitting me. Two rogues saved me, and I thanked them by throwing leaves at them.

After this was all over, I returned back to Boralus and tried to by the beautiful ring that would return me there whenever I wanted. I gave my coins to the nice lady and she stood there and counted. She must have been really good at it since it took her about a millisecond to determine how many I had. Maybe she is magical? :thinking: Anyways, she told me I only had 253 tokens, and I was disappointed.

I then went to Stormwind to see all of the hugging and kissing and hearts everywhere, and it was wonderful! I even got some chocolate and smelled some sort of perfume. I left Stormwind and flew on north to get some exercise and feel the cold air. I passed over the Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge, however, and both of those places were just as their names described. Once I reached Dun Morogh, I could finally cool down.

I flew to New Tinkertown because I wanted to visit my favorite Alliance snack shortest race ever! I arrived there and went into the city, and was immediately greeted by an orc warrior. He just ran through me and disappeared sadly. Maybe he was a mirage. I asked my "Magic 8 Acorn* if it was real and it nodded sagely at me. I should have stopped that orc and eaten him while I had the chance!

I went further into Gnomeregan and saw so many delicacies cute gnomes! I pet each of their heads as I went by and they looked at me in awe. (Don’t tell them I snatched some of their hairs from them!) One of the children (or is it adults?) said “My you’re a tall one!” and so did about 540% of the others. They were so cute!

I heard someone shout my name and I looked all around. I even took this totally safe teleporter out of Gnomegran to have a shorter trip. I flew all around but never found him. He probably was buried under the mountain. Since I couldn’t find him I decided I wanted to swim in the green sludge as a dolphin. Of course, they were just puddles as I was too tall for them, but I tried anyways. At the last puddle, I saw an undead warlock in front of me. She was engaged in some sort of activity on the ground. I’m not sure what it was, but I suddenly heard a whip and a /giggle. I also saw tons of tiny creatures running around on the ground so that was interesting.

When she was done, she plopped a dragon out of her bag and flew up and around Gnomeregan, so of course I followed her. She flew around and around and eventually she saw me. I flew around her in circles, probably making her dizzy, and she flew up high. Suddenly, a male human paladin flung a lolnope threw the air with his mighty opness and struck the warlock from the sky. She fell down and her body imploded into the Twisting Nether. I looked at the paladin and he /flexed at me. I fought the urge to gag and I put a mushroom where the warlock had died. Moments later, a skeleton appeared, and a ghostly form took shape and then quickly flew away.

The paladin /flexed again, hoping to get my attention, and I let him hop on my back and flew him to a destination. I flew to Duskwood, making sure he was anchored by a couple of well placed thorns sprouting out of my skin. Eventually, we arrived and I flew to the giant tree in the middle. He took off his shoulderpads and I said, “Oh good, this will make it so much easier.” He waggled his eyebrows and took off his heavy plate helmet and shoes. He said, “Of course, my beautiful elf.” I shoved him against the tree, and rooted his back into the tree. With one last breath I shoved him into the tree and let him rot there forever.

The end <3


I wasn’t expecting the ending. Hehe. Keep them coming.

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Kissing human males paladins… what are you doing with your life?

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I totally saw it coming!

I know. Time to go bathe in moonwell Void God water now. /shudders

Well you may have kissed a male human paladin, but you did the right thing and shoved him into the tree, that was a good story.

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so this is how it’s gonna be, in some backwater forum

uh-oh this won’t end well

cari there hasn’t descended far enough from dem gnome eating trolls. this needs fixing

typical overachieving male human paladin compensating for his mortal being

:thinking: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i knew it! i called it at the beginning! stormwind needs to be washed away by a hurricane

ikr? we need to do an intervention on cari HIMYM style


IKR. It felt so odd posting here!

Oh it did.

What do you mean? It is scratched out!

It’s a trap!

I had to bathe in holy void water immediately after!!!


Ghosts don’t really have teeth… I mean, at least they don’t have solid teeth. :smiley:

“Accidently” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

LOL I can totally hear you giving them a stern talking to.
You have to watch out for those gangs of fire elementals.

Sure that wasn’t Goldshire. :blush:

You just reminded me, I should do the holiday daily.

/facepalm lol

My home! :heart:

LOL Gnomes are friends, not food!

Who was that masked orc!?

LOL @ Magic 8 Acorn. I love that it nodded sagely at you. :grin:
Also, I see we’ve taken to wanting to eat orcs. At least they are much more filling then gnomes. All that muscle might be a bit too sinewy.

Oh no. Are we going to have a sudden influx of gnomes now? :astonished:

Did you feel like somebody’s watching you?

There is nothing safe about those teleporters. :sweat_smile:
Side effect of that green sludge is it gives you a glowing personality.

/looks away

How rude! I’d say he got what he deserved at the end. :smiley:

Thank you for sharing more of your story, Carissaria! She’s certainly getting around meeting some unique people. :smiley:

Oh, something new happened with my notifications. I saw a :point_right: with your name next to it and Chronicles Part 8. Curious how that popped up. :thinking: Either way, it let me know there was a new part without having to go look on my own. Now it’s time for me to go home. Been a long day at work. Bleh!

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You should have seen them!

Of course

They tried to burn me! Luckily my azerite trait prevents burning in tree form…

Not entirely


That’s what I said!

I’m not sure…

Ikr. Cat form is good for that tho >:)


All the time


Yeah. What you think about the ending :wink:

I invited you to see it since I knew you were interested :slight_smile:

Oh those poor elementals, no wonder they lashed out

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Haha! I thought that jerk Paladin got what he deserved. The ending was a surprise because I was expecting you to drop him on that dragon world boss. I don’t recall the name, but one appears there, or used to appear there. Oh! And the kiss. Apparently he doesn’t brush as well. :joy:

Nice! Thank you!

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What do you mean???

Ikr. It was gross. He even managed to take my shoulder pads and shirt off too, as well as his pants. What was he planning to do? Bathe in the Moonwell?

Of course :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh right you’re a resto druid, not balance

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Yeah. Just like a flashlight and an orange ball!

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can we get out of here? this place is giving me the creeps

kissing a human male paladin who flexed you twice after killing someone who released a thousand tiny creatures for you. best day ever what a perfect gentleman :heart:

i buffed it out with scratch-b-gone goo

why you maneater

not enough. you need to soak in a corrupted black moonwell then a lightforged paladin can cleanse and use the light racial on you…repeated 14 times

intervention banner meme. it’s from a tv show so i will spare the spoils

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But the mod moved me to official lore!

Ikr! I even imprisoned him forever inside of a tree!


Well, I do like meat sometimes!

Will do. Let me just collect 20 orc baby heads and sacrifice then to Mother Elune

Ah, ok?

Edit: also your profile is gone ):

you didnt have to listen to him, you know

did you get the tree’s constent first

dont hide parts about you cos it’s unappealing to some people!

do meat taste like chicken to most druids?

that seems excessive, why not 10

i don’t know what happened. i had to delete cookies for this site yesterday so i could log in to the forums and notifications. that’s when i got this brown W icon instead of my beautiful pale-skinned, pink-haired elf face. they must have updated the forum software or something?

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I’m pretty sure it was a her :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course

:slight_smile: ):


20 shows Elune that we really care

Rip ):

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From 1-10 how much would she resist?

him, her, it, whatever! it should’ve never moved to this…place! get us outta here, already!

meaning, no you haven’t

sounds like we have a subject or four to talk to about

just asking cos i know not all of us could go hungry sometimes there’s something alive that’s tormenting you and you just kill it and eat it right there do you ever get that feeling

well ok in that case make it 50

ikr how can i show off my shallow pixels

shall i delete this one and make a matching boosted druid :frowning:

about a solid 7, 9 if she decides to pop thorns