Chronicles 4 Spoiler Thread

The Exodar only belonging to the wiggle goats is also folly.

Zerde, what does “Rebuilt” mean?


Your right. Because it doesnt anymore. It now welcomes all branches of its people, lost ones, man’ari lightforged etc.

Something we might see happen with Capital City someday if Blizzard continue this whole renewal shtick.

Same thing as “rebuilding” Undercity.

And the Forsaken


Not Forsaken, but it does welcome undead draenei(death knight)

And that would mean???

Hint: no one but you had contested what the word “destroyed” means.


It means that the town was lost, but retaken. Same as Undercity.

That ultimately neither faction has kept complete control of Lordaeron.

Nope, forsaken get a apace ship


The forsaken are too addle brained to make one. They could probably steal one from any of the surviving Legion.

You mean like the exodar right there :3


Thank you for finally admitting that.


Forsaken: Smart enough to survive constant attacks from the worgen, scarlet crusade, alliance incursions, their own leader turning on them, multiple world ending threats, etc

Zerde: Forsaken dum dum and no build spaceship

You heard it here it first! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Number of spaceships Forsaken have crashed: 0


Number of spaceships and worlds ended by the Draenei: Error, number too high to calculate

Also the draenei had their spaceship messed with by a bunch of mana addicts(The Blood Elves), causing it to crash on Azeroth.

(And I actual love the draenei mind you. Just poking fun at his statement :dracthyr_heart:)


Actually that would be the naaru/Blood elves. The draenei were not driving it.

That would be the eredar and not the draenei. I knew you have a hard time keeping up with lore but do try.

Zerde doesn’t know Draenei lore and about all the worlds they visited and about Draenor

We know you don’t understand a lot of the lore in your desperate need to keep the Alliance morally pure and untainted as possible


And saying the draenei are responsible, when the Legion’s entire goal is “destroy all life” is idiotic.

It would be nothing short of victim blaming. Again do keep up with lore.

Someone please explain to Zerde about the worlds the Draenei visited and how the legion was literally following them wherever they went

And also about Draenor. Where they didn’t tell the natives about the intergalactic demon army that was actively hunting them

Again, you’re forgiven for not knowing the lore Zerde.


Someone tell Kar that the Legion would come and destroy those worlds, with or without the draenei.

Also the draenei did try telling the orcs. Durotan, a relatively sympathetic fellow, nearly gave Velen to Gul’dan after he was told the truth.

Again keep with up lore please.

Uh huh. So as per Zerdes desperation, the draenei bear no responsibility for hasting the destruction of those worlds

It’s pathetic how you can’t even discuss the lore honestly


Although come to think of it, if the armistice stated that both the alliance and the horde went back to post cata war borders then the alliance wouldn’t have southshore at all