Chromie Time Dungeons at 51+ Missing

When levelling in Chromie Time in Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Pandaria, or Warlords of Draenor, the vast majority of dungeons available in the Dungeon finder vanish the instant you hit level 51.

Aside from the visual example below showing the drastically reduced Classic Dungeons available, also missing are:

All but four Outland Dungeons
All but two Northrend Dungeons
ALL Cataclysm Dungeons
All but one Pandaria dungeon (Jade temple)
All but two Draenor dungeons.

All of the affected dungeons state that they should be available all the way up through level 60.


Aside from the cataclysm dungeons missing, those are the exact number of dungeons that a level 10 had access to prior to the prepatch.

Coincidentally, all the dungeons that aren’t missing happen to be the earliest dungeons from each expansion; Jade Temple, Ramparts/Blood Furnace/Underbog/Slave Pens, etc.

Though it does raise the question of where the earliest Classic Dungeons are, as I think Deadmines and RFC label their level range as like… 7-60 or something, don’t they?

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I have the same issue

Having same issue and when we were in a party of three all in our 50s. All of us in same Chromie time would also set one of us to level 35 in MoP dungeon and they were unable to get Xp or correct gear level drops.

Confirming that this bug still exists and has existed since the pre-patch. I’ve been reporting it in-game both on live and the PTR, with no changes made as of yet. Worried that maybe Blizzard doesn’t care about this.

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