Chromie Time, 51-60 multiple dungeons disappear from queue

At level 51 I can no longer can queue for multiple Chromie time dungeons that I should have access to.

On my 55, when in TBC Chromie time, I only have access to the 10-60 dungeons. Anything that is either 15-60, 20-60, 25-60, etc, is missing from the queue options ever since I hit 51.

This goes for ALL timelines that restrict dungeons based on level, Classic through WOD.

Please address this, and while your at it, please open up ALL Chromie Time dungeons to 10+, there is no reason to level restrict them at this point.

Having a level restriction on CT dungeons just ensures that higher level characters still only ever do the lower level dungeons due to lower level’s getting restricted.

You already did it for Legion, BFA and Shadowlands dungeons, why not the rest?

I can now confirm that this happens specifically at level 51. This is likely related to the bug that is causing BFA dungeons to be in legacy loot mode if anyone 51+ is in the group.

To summarize:
As soon as a character hits level 51, they immediately lose access to queue for any Chromie time dungeon that is not listed as 10-60. All dungeons listed as 15-60, 20-60, 25-60, etc just disappear from the queue despite them saying XX-60.

My ideal suggestion:
Make all Chromie Time normal dungeons 10-60. Make Heroic only Chromie Time Dungeons 20-60.

Bare Minimum fix:
Fix the Chromie Time LFD options for 51-60.


Still broke


Game has to many plates of noodle code stacked on each other.

Need a cata 2.0 to re-bracket everything. What better time to do that then when DF enters chromie time.

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Still broke, just gonna keep reporting the bug every time I log onto my characters that are in a timeline, although I’m pretty sure Blizz could care less at this point.


Yeah this is ridiculous. Makes Chromie time pointless if you can’t run dungeons


This is still broken Blizz, you seriously can’t be this incompetent. Or maybe you can be, since it still isn’t fixed.


Still waiting


Any chance this will be addressed with the upcomming patches?

Just make all Chromie Time dungeons 10-60, that seems like both the simplest fix, and gives levelers more variety with their dungeon content.

Even when you queue at higher levels, you often just get stuck with the 10-60 dungeons anyway, due to the ratio of lower level characters queueing.

Also, while we are talking, why are WoD dungeons the only dungeons that still allow gear to upgrade to Epic? As it stands now, you are gimping yourself gear wise if you dungeon spam through any timeline other than WoD.

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I disagree that this is the problem. I think the issue is that they ran out of time and de-prioritized this. It’s in exactly the state it was in at the start of the expansion.

My guess is that not all dungeons in every expansion have been rescaled for this range.

This was a wod thing. It appears that they now have removed or steeply nerfed random sockets that leveling gear would rarely have earlier in this expansion. Clearly that was more important to them than rewarding appropriate gear to levelers in BfA dungeons, rather than outright teaching them that it is pointless to ever run dungeons as there is zero reward for doing so.

Still not fixed, are you guys at Blizz seriously this incompetent? This has been a bug for how long now. It’s so fun only getting 2 dungeons that you’ve probably done the quests in already and having never gotten a few dungeons that had quests.

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Just posting here to raise that this still isn’t fixed.


I’m bumping every post related to this now


Latest hotfix hasnt fixed this yet


Yes just learned this the hard way. Have access to some but not all. Was going to lock my character around 57 so I could go through and finish all the dungeons in that expansion at least a few times through. Would really like this fixed.


This is STILL an issue, I’m leveling my Druid right now and after 51 I only have 4 TBC Dungeons available to me and 2 Wrath of the Lich King dungeons available while in Chromie time. Why isn’t this fixed yet?


8/7/2023 and this still has not been fixed


08.13 now wth


I just noticed this today. Kind of a bummer I’m running TBC and to see my dungeon list drop to 4 dungeons is a bummer :frowning_face:


At this rate I believe they will only fix this with the next expansion if at all


Still broken, Blizz has no motivation to fix bugs like this. It’s not what twitch streamers care about.