Rent Free baby. Thank you.
Anyway OT:
Blizz said the stories in this aren’t supposed to be taken as canon. It’s just folk-tales they tell
Rent Free baby. Thank you.
Anyway OT:
Blizz said the stories in this aren’t supposed to be taken as canon. It’s just folk-tales they tell
This happened to a significant lore character? Or was this the shadowlands customization thing to trivial npcs. Because I’m pretty sure they just press massed randomize. I don’t think there was anyone that said “The alchemy trainer MUST be black!”
He is exaggerating. TMK it was just some stormwind npcs that got updated mostly useless npcs like armor salesmen or something.
There was more “REEE BLACK BAD” stuff about Black Blood elves.
As far as i remember, krasus explained it in day of dragon because dragons and elfs are longtime friends and b) no one ask if a elf use ultra super powerfull magic .
Thats the reason they often use elfs.
Natalie Seline was changed to Black and is the only major lore figure to do so, some people REEE about it. To note: she’s the only “major lore NPC” that used darker skin color pre-new-customizations.
So natalie seline is Major now? Didnt you say in the other thread she was minor?
Also blizzard is as per usual being quite transphobic with this book.
Natalie was black in both incarnations except post shadowlands her features were updated to the new african features. That’s not a big deal imo.
She looked more asian in the art anyways.
I would not call the “dark tan” versions of Humans pre BFA “Black” 100%, personally. Could easily pass for Desi, Latina, Arab, hell I’ve met Sicilian-descent women that dark lol
They never said that. At the very least the folktales themselves are not “canon” but I assume the people telling them/how it is told is.
They are folk tales according to the book itself.
The story about Xun is just folk tale. The events surrounding the telling of the tale is very much canon. I expect a similar approach.
It literally says fairy tales its meant to deceive.
what is a fairy tale in a world of fairies and magic?
We are using real world language here homever.
I know Blizzard specifically created new Human NPCs in Stormwind that are black or Asian which stand around to populate the city, which is great. I heard some guards skin color got randomized though I haven’t noticed.
Why are all the Racists Horde?
This claim has been disproven repeatedly, but all means you can quote the alleged post so it can be disproven here for the third time.
Y’all just love misconstruing anti-racism and critical race theory as “actually racism” because of ridiculous political ideologies and weird complexes
Magical creature magically taking on another form, probably 100th of it’s original size and the issue is that the genders don’t match?
I’ll agree it’s hamfisted pandering ( It might get some people to keep their sub active ) but it doesn’t hurt anyone and the story is already a mess so…
ON THE OTHER HAND … no one mentions the fact that female Tauren Druid become MALE when in travel (unglyphed) or feral form !!! This Druid is confused
I think that argument works if Chromie was never stated to be female though. It makes perfect sense if the naming confusion was unanswered until now. But, it was addressed before. And now they are changing it. In any other context, it would be received as poor writing.
Across the board, I think changes to a character for the sake of change is bad.
Pelagos, is an interesting way of handling the topic. And it makes sense given in-game lore. Chromie, Shaw, Flynn, and the random SW NPCs, on the other hand, come off as last-minute, low effort, and check-listing.