Likely pretty young, considering his character traits in Day of the Dragon are pretty standard for the ‘young, impetuous hero’
okay, that I am devoting effort to forget… yikes.
Likely pretty young, considering his character traits in Day of the Dragon are pretty standard for the ‘young, impetuous hero’
okay, that I am devoting effort to forget… yikes.
As a person outside of the video game my immediate reaction was “ick” - and then I realized it’s in a fantasy world where a 16 year old is being bedded by a 2k year old …
Nope still ick. There’s some things my brain can detach and try to envision from an Azeroth perspective, others I can’t.
Hey but that’s another positive for Wrynnrunner - it doesn’t involve statutory …
it’s a bit predatory which is why I choose to reject it.
I’m hoping it was just Roux’s poor grasp of the character sheet she was given because there’s no way that would pass without being scrutinized by the fandom.
Also pushing the narrative that living Sylvanas practiced a form of nepotism, because it’s highly unlikely a teenager could earn the title of ‘Ranger Lord’.
just bad on all angles.
exactly, can you imagine the logistics of his rise in status in Quel’thalas among thousands of year old skilled elves and him being a teenager Sylvanas was essentially “grooming” it takes on very different light.
Yeah, probably is a character sheet issue, based on an early line from Danuser’s Dark Mirror.
“You know full well what I mean, Sylvanas. There has been grumbling among the Farstriders ever since you promoted me to ranger lord. Your visits here have drawn notice, and your oh-so-noble rangers gossip like washwomen at a creek.”
This is meant to take place before the Second War, meaning he was even younger when he was promoted; and likely ridiculously young when he actually joined the farstriders.
And honestly I’d be surprised to find a 16 year old that crotchety and with a full beard.
he sounds like he’s in his early 30’s, late 28’s bare minimum. He has a worldly presence that a 16 year old wouldn’t have.
tbh i dont really care about chromie or any of the LGBT stuff they put in the book.
im only buying it for the goblin and tuskarr stories.
Thank you for your complaints. I didn’t notice that I inserted the same message twice.
He was like 10 and its not like he was not a “hero” at that point. He didnt do anything during the war.
In terms of old characters we have Velen and Genn. Tirion was pretty old.
What? You’re math is off. Warcraft 3 happened 13 years after Warcraft 2. So he would have been in his 20s when he became ranger lord.
WoW is upholding the Youthful Twink Supremacy Agenda
I mean not really. Even in Warcraft 2, Dannath and Kurdran were pretty old. Antonidas and Uther were practically ancient. The current slate of faction leaders run the gamut from young(Anduin) to middle age(Jaina and most of the leader) to elderly(Genn and Velen).
Antonidas wasn’t even mentioned in WC2 until the Novelization and during then he had Brown Hair that was only just starting to turn Grey!
Excellent marketing by Blizzard, props to them.
This thread’s a friggin’ mess.
We’re building off an inconsistency from the writing back in vanilla after setting it aside and forgetting that we settled this consistency back around cataclysm (iirc) just to score points from the highly marketable LGBT market only to then axe this completely and make it non-canon as far as chinese or russian players are concerned.
But hey, feel good about your causes and your messages. Let’s see if me feeling disgust is something that can get my a vacation from the forums.
I mentioned more so because I wanted to point out that Warcraft 1, 2 and WoW have had old characters that do end up taking a heroic role.
Except Blizzard is not marketing this. This was something a player discovered on their own. Also, companies having to kowtow to a certain degree to repressive governments is a global thing so demonizing Blizzard for it seems short sighted.
Besides, if I was going to buy this book it would be due more to trying to figure what the hell they want to do with Sylvanas.
You are free to ignore the thread if you are so inclined.
Did the Devs confirm in the past that Chromie was female?
If Chromie was said to be female, then I am baffled by the positive response. That means Chromie’s identity is not only a retcon, but a means to fill a checklist. The writing isn’t strong. I would argue it is more insulting to the people they are trying to represent.
It is like Flynn and Shaw all over again. And I doubt Flynn was always meant to be bisexual because there would have been a resolution to the Taelia arc. The characterization and writing were all over the place.
Pelagos and the Nightwarrior have the benefit of being created with their identity in mind, but Flynn, Shaw, and Chromie are just cannon fodder or more correctly, canon fodder.
Yes… BUT.
Gaming culture is historiclly pretty infamously steeped in a miasma of toxic masculinity, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, and a whole bunch-of-other-phobias. WoW’s fanbase has a reputation of being particularly bad about it. Most game studios (including Blizzard) have made it a policy to avoid rocking the boat on such matters as much as possible. Fairly recently, however, such topics have become a lot less culturally taboo to approach, and thus publishers now feel comfortable exploring these sorts of matters more.
Out of all the recontextualizations they could make, this one is pretty quiet really, and has some logic to it.
If we want to get this picky though the story isn’t confirming she’s trans either. In both of these situations we have to infer at least a little bit.