Chromie Fairytales and Fable SPOILER

So genocide and war is ok. Man hate to have your values cause they belong in the trash


History class is a thing in america i hope. And the alexstrasza thing was in a book or 3

Try the manual of Warcraft 2 and 3 and referenced several times during questing.

I’d also point out we kill a red dragon in the Nexus that Malygos was torturing so she would end up her mate because she helped us kill the blue dragon flight matriarch.

Breeding is a different topic.

And the forced mate stuff is barely about rope

Sure its disgusting etc but its also quite an old subject, and not something I expect from Current blizzard.

Hooray for Chromie, a new trans icon.


there is much darkness in this thread, but we love and support our new trans icon


So basically Chromie was a guy but then turned into a Female. More I learn something from WoW. More I support it in terms of lore friendly characters.

I should make a bad take bingo card for these threads. Love seeing the new and fascinating ways people attempt to whitewash their bigotry. We’ve already got a few of the old classics like “think of the children” but nobody has said the words “shoved down my throat” yet so we’re not quite there.


Well this makes ignoring the book really easier. Don’t know why Blizzard thought making a noncanon book randomly was a good idea.


A trans character exists and that makes “ignoring the book easier”? Do you realize how horrible of a person that makes you sound?


I like the nice smell of cope in the morning.

Are you completely ignoring the fact this is a giant retcon of the character? Why wouldn’t I ignore it?


Don’t hide your bigotry behind “retcons”

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It’s not really that big of a retcon. Chromie was theorized to be trans for years, Blizzard kinda put a damper to it with the “You don’t understand the subtleties of dragon culture” line but then obviously walked back on that.


Saying it over and over doesn’t make it true. I hope you realize that someday.

Stop making stuff up. Chromie was always female and that hasn’t changed.


Yeah, it hasn’t changed. She is still female. A transgender female.


And being this offended by a small “fyi” in a small storybook because “THE LORE” shows where your true grievances are.


WoW’s got plenty of retcons. Only one of them seems to make you throw this big of a fit, though. Odd.

Whats wrong dude, you got a terabyte of Chromie smut on your hard drive and you’re uncomfortable with your sexuality or something?


Is that really a bad thing in this case, though? It was popular speculation and I thought fans were outright hoping for that to be the case. Even if it came about from a naming accident, I feel like it’s different than if Blizzard just pointed to any old random character and said “okay this is now X” without any contextual foundation for it.


I absolutely adore the “SONIC’S ARMS ARE NOT BLUE” energy some people emanate whenever an addendum of this type is added to a character, even if it is a character they don’t actually care that much.

Like Mor said, really shows where their priorities are.