Chromaggus Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Chromaggus (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Shantino 60 Orc Rogue -Wrath- -Hostile-
Shauntino NE Rogue

If you guys were in the PvP scene you should know me! Best Rogue on server :slight_smile: . If you remember me lemme know what your name was… I have an amazing memory.



It’s a long shot, but if any guildies should wander this way, drop me a line.


I know Aktang, Orckastra, and myself are rolling classic for sure.

Hi guys

It’s Gears

Miss you all



Was this with Crushymm and the crew ? My brother was Majic the mage and I was Heel the priest. I remember your name and you being top but we played so many servers so not sure which supporting cast and guild.

Yes and others of course! We all played together but were in many different guilds. I remember your name as well but not your bro. :slight_smile:. I haven’t seen Crushymm since I quit during WotLK.

Hi! I was in Hostile back in the day as well. Played a druid named Verwildert back then. Some of my fondest memories playing WoW were with Hostile. Would love to connect with some of the old crew for Classic.

There aren’t many left from -Hostile-. Just me, spartakkus, zataki, crim, and a couple others. The rest are gone.

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Canucklue, the true Fitness Hero of Chromaggus still deadlifts to this day.

brother dearest

I was more of a quiet player, but I played Sweetsie (tauren druid) in Hostile. I played a lot with Hexagon (orc hunter)

Kronose, Kronase, Kronosew and CliffWalker, probably a few other versions ive forgotten… Wonder if Shrink is still around.

You mean Hexagon, the greatest to ever play hunter.

Where the Enigma folk at?

Yes, Hexagon. He got a ban and then had a Hexygon for a bit before he quit playing, and plays other games with Hexygonn as a name now.

I showed him the post, he exclaimed “that’s canuck!” He said to tell you he loves you and wants to make babies with you

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I still claim the Heroic Throne

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Sooo many familiar names. Good to see we r all still alive.

Warlord Spartakkus here. The most amazing Hang of Rag holder in Chromag history. Many familiar names.

@Sweetsie Great to see you again. Wheres that bad hunter Hexanoobsauce?

@Verwilderd. You sexy druid i remember you too!

Need your guys IDs. We are rolling bunch of Hostile guys along with some Immune guys. I actually remember most of the people that posted here. Canuck, Elsauce, Gears, Shantinoob

We are getting organized for classic, but probably alliance cause of pallies. Need you all to tag along.


People of Chromaggus. This is Warlord Zataki. ALL females irl please add me on realid. Brent#11624

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Anyone remember Lickysticky - female undead Mage or Allren - male undead priest? Both in --Hostile–

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Hey, it’s Sceaduwe the shadowpriest of Wrath and Hostile, I remember a few names from both guilds but mostly the Hostile guys since we would pvp together so much. Oopps the mage, Zataki the rogue, Harlot the rogue, Peejay and something (the two brothers, one played a priest the other a warrior). I’m sorry I’m sure a screenshot or something would remind me who some of the others are. I remember Zataki and Oops would always play from the barracks in Iraq or something lol. A decade and a half ago, wow. I’ll be rolling horde pvp once again, two boxing a shadowpriest and warlock.

Mazzaroth#1505 add me with a note of your old character name and class you played if you remember me.