Christie Golden Laid Off

Most of us are simply asking for is a good story. Only those obessed with the factions being 50/50 at all times within the story are claiming alliance bias

Which usually translates to I don’t like it, so it must be team alliance

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Because that’s what SHE said. I didn’t even comment on that aspect lol.

why include it at all. you didn’t need the , and the last part. completely irrelevant to this entire thread. you don’t need to comment on that part. its the clickbait part of you adding it in the first place.

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Nobody here has disproved the idea of Horde characters being absent in War Within, or Horde themes being absent in general. Funnily enough, it’s all Alliance mains doing this.


Have I been clubbed over the back of the head and entered a delirious state? Did I suddenly acquire some specific form of dyslexia that makes me read twitter posts wrong?

Like seriously you people need to shut up about this. Golden making a statement about her loss and why she delayed to make a statement is just a personal thing. It was part of HER original statement, so it makes sense to include here.

Some people offer condolences for the loss, which is fine.

Most people even RECOGNIZE this was almost certainly part of the MICROSOFT layoffs. I.E. not Blizzard. Even Golden shows absolutely 0 animosity towards Blizzard in her post.


I guess Thrall is no longer horde. Even though he’ll be revelant in TWW.

Funny how y’all ignore horde characters when it’s inconvenient for you

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I can start posting on a red background character if it would make you feel better.

I understand that someone with a forum avatar that has a background different than yours is scary if you have a literal cromagnon brain

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Can you tell me where in the expansion he’ll be?


Do our posts count if I also get on my vulpera and say it?

Brotherman it isn’t out yet. Nobody really knows anything.

It’s not out yet. How are we supposed to know that?

Spoilers As I said, the main story was leaked on Icy Veins. Thrall isn't there. It's Alpha. They could add him later, but if they do it'll ne due to feedback like mine.

Or, he appears in a later patch.

I know, patches. Rarely done thing in Warcraft. Unexpected.

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So you’re basing your entire argument off of leaks which may or may not be accurate…

For a story that isn’t even fully revealed on the alpha yet…

Yeah, seems about right.

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You do understand that it’s early Alpha right? The entire story isn’t even datamined yet. You’re just grasping for things to complain about at this juncture

I said they datamined the main story, which they did.

how does that have anything to do with doness linking it here and including the click bait portion in the title?

The “68 percent” feel that the others didn’t join until the Horde had pretty faces for them to play. (questionable take when it comes to the Nightbourne), then when the blood elves were rolled out, there was more complaining that the male Sindorei were too effeminate.

The title says “Christie Golden Laid off”

The part about her nephew dying was included in the first sentence of Golden’s statement.

It can’t exactly just be ignored, it’s a personal statement from her personal twitter account. I don’t know what you want.

I’m pretty sure they only datamined part of the first couple of zones.

They can’t have datamined the whole 11.0 patch