Christie Golden Laid Off

“Are never happy” ISN’T the same as “never will be happy.” Not only that, but just because YOU constantly see someone complain DOESN’T mean that there’s nothing in the game they enjoy. I play this game every day.


The fact that people get so out of sorts about the extra-medium lore and story of this game that they get as heated as some of you are getting in this thread is legitimately pathetic, lol.


The WoW forums celebrates people getting fired, as is tradition.

People get bent out of shape about Itachi being a virgin or not in Naruto…

This? This is relatively minor.

Eh… Golden has been working on Warcraft for about as long as there has been Warcraft, let alone WoW. She had some missteps for sure, but I do not think people fully realize how many things they do like in the franchise were things she had a hand in. Human beings are just hardwired to have a negative bias, so things disliked are what people recall her dealing in.

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If you criticize danuser and golden, but not Metzen I honestly don’t know what to tell you as he the worst of all 3 in terms of ruining lore. His ego got inflated by about wotlk era to where he was on the level of jk Rowling randomly tweeting things about how hogwarts students used to need to relieve themselves on the floor and magic it away. Metzen is garbage.

Maybe, but the casual retcon total redesign of one of the original eight playable races is huge. It’s hard for me to balance that against a bunch of books of generally okay-level writing.

We’ve never seen any sign that Blizzard told her to rewrite the Forsaken as sad, fragile, oppressed victims who really just want to rejoin the Alliance and hug their living families. Until and unless we get more information, I’m putting that one squarely on Golden as 100% her fault.

Agreed. Maybe she’ll go back to writing for Star Wars or something (Disney at least has plenty of money to throw at it).


Oh man, okay. I don’t care very much about which faction gets the most screen time personally. This whole tangent is not something I care about, but you can’t go around claiming people are making up stuff about not certain fans never being happy while saying stuff like this.

Midnight and Last Titan are YEARS away. We know so precious little about either expansion. We don’t know what the unification of the elves actually means, nor do we know that Silvermoon will be a neutral hub in Midnight. It might be likely, but there is no confirmation on that yet. It’s just a theory you’re claiming as fact. No different than what you claim other people in this thread are doing.

If you can’t have this conversation in good faith, then don’t have it.

As I wrote in the other thread, I liked Christie Golden’s older writing, but recently I’ve noticed some deviations in the characters and a bit of a lack of attention to WoW’s already established story. And for those who are at the forefront of history, not respecting what has been built so far is a big mistake.

His dismissal, therefore, I see as something positive for WoW, as long as his successor respects the canon.

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Even though I am genuinely glad to see Golden and Danuser gone from the Blizzard writing team, I do not wish them ill at all. I really don’t like their writing, but they should still be able to make a living doing what they do. I’m sure their work could really shine on some original IPs.

But yeah, I really did not like Golden treating Anduin like her special golden boy precious child.


This post reeks of that one “It’s the children who are wrong” Simpsons meme.

This is such a weird attitude, nobody is “falling for” anything by giving support to a person in a thread where they discuss a personal tradgedy and she’s not ‘warding off criticism’ by bringing it up.

People are still perfectly capable of criticizing the output a professional writer, it’s just that the thread where they talk about thier nephew dying would be the last place to do that.

If you “don’t care” about half the game’s races, getting any sort of development, good for you, but others have more media literacy.

My mistake, I meant to say Silvermoon will “likely” be neutral. I genuinely forgot to type the word “likely” when I was writing that.

Even if I DID say that it would 100% be a neutral capital, that wouldn’t invalidate literally anything else I said.

Blizzard also has trends they’ve followed. You don’t get to tell us to wait and see. Giving criticism as early as possible is best. You want us to wait till the expansion comes out before saying anything?

I was the one saying that the “children” (the community) should be listened to.


I’ve basically seen nothing but praise for Roux. Anyway, can she even be called a “main face of the narrative” after writing one novel?


I mean, giving criticism is certainty a good thing, but can’t offer valid criticism about an expansion you effectively know nothing about.

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We know Blizzard’s previous trends, as I said.


Ah, but you’re still hazarding a guess. You have no hard facts. C:

The hard facts are that there are certain trends Blizzard is following, and I, and others, are giving criticism, because we want to AVOID these issues.

Not to mention we already KNOW a lot of the problems with War Within. It’s in Alpha, and now’s the best time to give feedback.


But I’m not refering to TWW? This is in regards to Midnight.

And Midnight has all sorts of easy pitfalls Blizz could fall into. Being concerned is valid.


This is so true. I mean, where is all the screentime for Quillboar, Kobolds, Gnolls, Hozen, Jinyu. Tuskarr and Centaur got a little bit of time each in DF but it doesn’t even begin to make up for lost time.

Oh… what’s that? You don’t actually believe that EVERY race in this fantasy universe needs parity in screentime? You only believe that being a part of the red team entitles a specific race to parity in screentime?

Damn, shocking.