Christie Golden Laid Off

Calia and Baine are both her doing.


We get it you’re a massive Alliance shill who wants to kill all the Horde characters.

I don’t think so.

Baine first appeared in 2003 in Warcraft 3’s Frozen Throne expansion.

iirc Calia was first mentioned in the novel “Day of the Dragon”, written by Richard Knaak and published in 2001.

Christie Golden wasn’t hired to work directly for Blizzard’s story team until 2017. Before then she was just an author occasionally hired to write books, and her first was “Lord of the Clans” published in 2001, which didn’t feature Baine. Her next Warcraft book came out in 2006.

I literally lived through it. I know it’s true. As for what it proves. It proves that Jaundice didn’t just ‘make it all up’ like you claimed they did.

This community is filled with people who react viscerally to things they don’t like, well beyond what others would consider to be acceptable. Every single person in charge of the narrative of WoW has gotten a sledging. The same is true for the PvP leads (the amount of flak Holinka got because he was the face of the PvP balance team was staggering), the PvE leads, Ion Hazzikostas himself. No one who is a public face at Blizzard is spared and it has legitimately caused some developers and community managers to quit or meltdown over it.

The problem with this community (and really any MMO community, this is not just a WoW problem) is that the larger it gets, the more fragmented the community becomes. Everyone has their own ideas for how the game should move forward and they will fight tooth and nail for their own ideas, while crapping on any ideas that they don’t like. And when Blizzard doesn’t do what they think they should do, the knives come out, as does the hatred. It’s a tale that goes all the way back to 2004, at least with this community.

I mean, look at the discussion surrounding An’she. You got the An’she loyalists demanding Blizzard give An’she more of a presence and are going around creating concept art for the god etc, but if you say anything that An’she crowd doesn’t like, they will drag you for it. And every time Blizzard makes an update that doesn’t give the An’she crowd what they want, they sharpen the knives and point them in Blizzard’s direction.

Does that mean Blizzard shouldn’t listen at all? No. Many good changes have been made as a result of player feedback. But that being said, if Blizzard listened to every single person in this community, they’d never get anything done because they’d constantly be going back and forth on changes they’ve made due to community pushback.


That’s weird, it’s almost as if when his VA and creator came back, Thrall didn’t appear in the trailer alongside Anduin for The War Within.

Oh, wait.

Y’all want more horde screentime, but not when the horde also happen to be communicating with the alliance. You want team red all by itself, but if we’re doing faction stories team blue hasn’t gotten any stories lately that don’t turn purple either.

They Mike Wazowskied Thrall. Blizzard did multiple story interviews when Alpha was announced and didn’t mention him at all.

Spoilers The Icy Veins story leak also made no mention of Thrall.

Well, I personally haven’t read any Christie golden book yet on WoW, but I’m sure she is a competent writer, and All I can say is that I hope she finds new works and oportunities.

It sucks that she got the news the way she got them, but thats the type of stuff you really can’t predict. I hope she is doing better.

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The world should have remained as open as Warcraft 2 or even 3, the thing is that even metzen made some big retcons on the road.

People here saying books or writers have no impact… miss every point entirely. if said outside material is popular and profitable, will lead to an eventual influence over the fans and then the games by extent.

I prefer the old W2-W3 narrative a thousand times more than what we got.


Blizzard gave her the chance to announce her being laid off - and she chose to cloak herself in personal tragedy to garner sympathy and ward off criticism. Just read these threads. It has worked. Which is fine, she can post what she wishes - but not everyone is going to fall for it.

If anyone dares set aside her personal drama and discuss the layoff and the Lore in the Lore section, they get called all manner of pejoratives.

I think people can focus on the good part of her role being diminished, and set aside her personal tragedy, even if she wants to mix them together for maximum manipulative impact.

Her personal tragedy and her being laid off from Blizzard are two separate events that can and should be discussed separately, at least here.

I am more interested in a major contributor to the lore being laid off and the effect on the lore, while she and others want to use her personal tragedy to silence that separate discussion.

It was Golden’s idea to dust Calia off from her obscurity, and have her become the “Light-Raised Undead” she was tasked with creating.

I believe Erevien’s criticism is not that Golden created Calia, but since Calia became her personal project and pet after Legion, Calia may have gotten undue focus, in the minds of many.


She also gave a long back story to Arthas, which albeit is love almost by everyone, but wasn’t needed. Arthas’ story was perfect as it was told IN GAME in Warcraft 3. and expanded in that said game manual.

Everything else exploring Arthas and his story in extended material after The Frozen Throne, has only hindered his OG character.

:l and i would mention Illidan, but people seems to get triggered by him and love all his current lore. which wasn’t the original one from Warcraft 3


So as someone who enjoyed “most” of her works with the WoW franchise, I’m disappointed to see her go. Shattering was my first introduction to her as a writer before I backtracked to read Arthas, her works in Star Wars, and so forth. I genuinely wish her the best.

My biggest concern with her leaving is it represents another “old face/head” of Blizzard leaving. Whether of their own violation or of no choice of their own. And as someone who wants people who started and grew up with the franchise, who had the original vision to have their hands still in the kitchen so to speak, I want those veterans to stay involved. Instead of just hiring out people who either may not respect what Warcraft was or want to shape it narrative and thematically into something it’s not. IE: Danuser/Shadowlands.

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Lots of people did. They have different stories.

As I said, even if all the story leads were hated, it would simply prove that fans weren’t happy with them. If you take that reaction, and you decide it means that the fans will never be happy, like you and Jaundice said. That’s an assumption on your part.

People harassing devs until they melt down is obviously wrong and I’ve never condoned that. Simply blaming the heads for of x and y department for the myriad of issues they game has had since launch, is totally fine. I personally have zero issues saying Ion should’ve stepped down a long time ago. He’s made it clear that his “elitist jerk” personality will continue to influence the game as long as he’s lead, such as when he said the Swift Spectral Tiger and Corrupted Ashbringer wouldn’t come back.

This entire paragraph is just saying that you can never get a feel for what the community as a whole wants, since different people want different things. This is a classic cop out.

Opinions on social media, such as youtube dislike bombs, are and always have been representative of any community. Responsible companies do marketing research.

Okay man, those “An’she loyalists” want what I’m talking about, which is faction parity. It’s been said ad nauseum that the Horde has no presence in the cosmic forces, and An’she lack of presence is yet another example of that. If you’re fine with Elune taking all the spotlight, then you’re with those other two Alliance players who say they don’t care about faction balance, while it’s pretty easy for them to say since the lore they care about is already represented.

Maybe the “An’she crowd” has a point, and that’s they, and there are a lot of them, don’t tolerate folks being jerks to them telling them everything’s fine.

I sure as hell don’t think the community’s always right either, but if you push stuff that’s unpopular by every metric, then you say Blizz doesn’t need to listen to the community, man, it really shows where one’s coming from.

Sample sizes are a thing, again.


Well—I’m pretty appalled at her wholescale retcon of Forsaken society, which appears to have been mostly done on her own initiative and not on instructions from above. But I don’t want her to lose her livelihood over it. I hope she finds another place that suits her better.


I just saw there was another thread about this and was almost embarassed, bit I’m pretty sure I made mine first though. Mine was made 18 hours ago. The other was made 17 hours ago.


Golden I will say has had a lot more hits than misses with her storytelling. The problem with her is the misses are usually pretty egregious and not entirely her fault.

I know I been unfairly harsh sometimes about her writing at times, but she did get put in a bad spot by her bosses a lot of the time and she did do her best to make what she was given work

It’s still sad to see her loose her job after suffering a loss in her family. Hopefully she bounces back and finds a better place to work

There’s been three that I’ve seen. Zuma beat you to it, but his was locked and delisted pretty quickly for I am assuming trolling, and Zuma’s OP was flagged until it was hidden before it got looked at. I’m shocked they left this one open tbh, since they considered Zuma’s to need locked.

I didn’t see the one on GD before I made this thread. I don’t think it counts as making a duplicate thread since it’s been in two different sections of the forum. I’m not gonna check GD every time I want to make a SF thread. Nobody does that. That would be silly.


Dupe thread I think refers to the same exact poster or group making the same threads, with the exact same content (maybe not verbatim, but with the same exact thoughts) anyway. Tons of people post similar threads with their own info/take on the news. I mean, I can’t tell you how many Taivan threads I saw after his nerf.

I’m just shocked this one hasn’t gone down, because the other two I saw both had the lock icon, and in Zuma’s I was actively reading it when the lock/delist occurred.

The other Christie thread in the Story Forum hasn’t been locked either. That’s the one I’m referring to. I guess the GD ones got locked cause people got toxic and started being super callous about her tragedy. This thread has been a bit heated at some points, but is probably okay compared to the other ones.


It has been my observation that pick any venue, you’ll find a loud base of malcontents who are never happy with the offerings. WOW is hardly unique in that.