Christie Golden Laid Off

It is cause the Horde lore is hardly featured.

Most Dragonflights are Alliance-leaning. They had an opprtunity add parity by connecting the Black dragonflight to Horde magicn like Ebonhorn’s Shamanism. Most “draconic themes” are alliance-leaning, especially since the Titans are also Alliance-leaning.

The storyline focused on the dragons, if you’ve been paying attention, featured a group of Shamans called the Primalists, who wanted nothing more than to expunge the influence of the Titans Shamanism is a Horde theme. Instead of featuring the Earthen, they chose the Alliance leaning Kirin Tor.

According to a random classic Gnome, featuring anything Horde-related like the Earthen Ring, who fit the theme of the expansion, is “bloat,” but you don’t even notice the Kirin Tor being there, or how it’s Alliance-related. That’s why none of you Alliance folks who lecture Horde players about how they shouldn’t care about faction balance, should ever be taken seriously.

They’re an Alliance-themed race given to Horde.

What’s boring is half the game’s lore being ignored.


They aren’t.

They aren’t

It isn’t.

They’re completely separate from the Alliance Dwarves. So again, no.

Believe it or not we’re actually not the races in our portraits. Did you know this game lets you make characters on both factions? You can actually play both, you know.

Anyway, you just assign alliance-theme or horde-theme arbitrarily. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t even like WoW lore and you never have and you never will. That makes me happy. Continue hating this game you pay to play.

Am I going to sit here and say ‘well, there’s Velves involved in the story and they’re Horde-leaning because they’re based on Belves!’

No, because they’re two different races.

Comparing Dwarves to Earthen, which are even more visually, culturally, and aesthetically distinct from each other is equally as ridiculous.


Not it’s literally based on the races being used and which racial lore is being expanded upon. Three out of the five Dragonflights have a relationship with the Night Elves that they don’t have with other races. I don’t think you even know the lore you’re defending.


No I definitely know it better than you do. Confident in that.

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Clearly you haven’t been part of this community for a very long time.

Every single person who is a ‘main face’ of the narrative for Warcraft has been thrown under a bus by this community. Every. Single. One.

From Metzen, to Knaak, to Golden, to Danuser, to Roux. There is always a complaint, always someone who takes the criticism to unhealthy levels, wishes they were fired/wishes they no longer wrote for Blizzard again etc, etc.

It’s been happening since 2004, which is probably when you were far too young to know what Warcraft even was.


Curious to see how this will play out long term for The World Soul Saga.

I think the only “main” voice left is Metzen, and unlike quite a few here, I was never a particularly big fan of his style. Characters never really felt like characters, but more archetype to be slotted in and out. But that was years ago and he (hopefully) has matured that style a bit.

Still, personally speaking I have concerns but we’ll see how it plays out.

Honestly sometimes when I see people in recent times talk about Metzen it’s like i’ve entered some alternate dimension. People used to constantly drag him and his story decisions.

Guess absence makes the heart grow fonder or something like that.

I think Metzen has always worked best as a big ideas guy, someone who comes up with big concepts and cool aesthetics but not so good on the details.

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Yes, absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder. Particularly through the heart the BFA+Shadowlands era you couldn’t stop people from saying how bad the lore was and if only Metzen would come back and right the ship.

Well, Metzen is back and thus far, he seems to be the only one around who will right the ship.

We’ll see what happens. But like I said, I have my personal concerns.

EDIT: Also just to make sure this is clear, while I wasn’t a big fan I didn’t hate Metzen’s brand either. While characters tend to be (in my opinion) boring, he can think of rather impressive set pieces that get the blood pumping. It’s just after the blood is pumped there tends to be nothing else to keep me engaged when the characters has as much depth as a puddle. Again this is to me.

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Ok, let’s take all this at face value for a second. Let’s assume everything you’re saying is true, and that the community hated every single WoW story lead so far. What would that prove?

Would it prove that the community will never be satisified no matter what Blizzard does? Or would it prove, that would Blizzard’s tried so far, hasn’t been working? It’s clearly the latter, unless Blizzard has tried every single thing under the bus. Many people agree that WoW’s story has never been its strong suit. Other games tend to have a more favourable op8linion of the overall story.

Has Blizzard tried listening to the community about the lack of Horde presence in the cosmic narrative? Have they listened about not making Anduin a moral authority and the main character, something people who are far more knowledgable about the lore than I, have been pointing out for years? No, they’re going in the direction they want. I’m sure you’ve seen Eric Covington’s tweets about how individual writers pretty much have free reign to do whatever.


We get it you have your 2 talking points on loop.

People have been complaining about this story since before Anduin and the cosmic narrative existed.

You are wrong.

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I know. Blizzard should’ve listened to the community. You claim the community was never happy, and then say Blizzard should never listen lol.


who mentioned that they were excited for her nephews dying though? They mentioned that they were glad she is gone from the story team, which has nothing to do with her nephews. It is sad to hear she has lost her nephews .


I don’t think you or anyone would like the result of what would happen if Blizzard started listening to everything their community had to say.

You want them to selectively listen to you and the people you agree with.

This is not about the broader community. Stop pretending like it is.

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You just did it again.

Now I’m tired of arguing with a low level toon with an agenda. Have a nice day.


You’re damn right I did.

The WoW community is never happy and blizzard shouldn’t listen to them.

You have bad opinions, I don’t want them to hear you.

I do have my own agenda, AKA my personal opinions. I don’t have to pretend like I’m hiding behind a shield of “oh I’m just speaking for the community” because that isn’t how this works.

I never said they were, I said they proclaimed that from the same post that mentioned the nephew.
There wording is just wrong, many other people expressed not liking her writing but also acknowledgement what happened to her was bad.

ah ok then

While that is a tactic manipulators use, I’m not sure whether that was Christie’s intention.

Speaking from experience, it’s not easy to think clearly soon after a loved one dies, especially when it’s unexpected. That said, it’s true we don’t all grieve or experience grief the same say.

Maybe Christie wasn’t thinking clearly because her pain clouded her judgement. Or maybe you’re right and it was a manipulation tactic. Circumstances are that it could be either one.

About her not being part of Blizzard anymore, I think this means she’ll have less influence on the lore, but not none. And I agree with those who think this was a corporate move to redistribute what they would’ve paid her.

And I also agree it’s rough for someone to be fired from a long-time job the same week someone they love dies.


Also, if it were a manipulation tactic, then why didn’t she try fishing for sympathy the day she was fired? Why did she wait three months? That was a disgusting assumption.